A2:Modding - Using .sods From Fleet Operations

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posted on August 31st, 2003, 12:04 am
Hello. I'm attempting to use a couple of the Fleet Operations stations (Engineering and the Science) and include them in a modded version of the Armada II that my cousin and I are creating to play with one another...

It seems that the .SODs for these files only work when they are in the Fleet Operations' directory, but when you copy/paste them into a normal Armada 2 directory (in the correct location), the .SODs are no longer viewable.

Is there a way to fix this?

posted on August 31st, 2003, 1:51 am
i dont know if i should tell u this but to use themu gotta have the textures the ods, and u gotta add it to a buildership and to the tech tree.
posted on August 31st, 2003, 9:26 am
Welcome to the forums :)

Well, it even won't work if you copy the textures and the odfs, cause the sods (and the odfs) are made for Fleet Operations environment and won't work under normal Star Trek Armada II.
Sorry, but we give no further support for mod making, you should read a tutorial or a handbook of modding.


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