Adding Glows

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posted on June 1st, 2013, 9:38 am
Hi. I can work with MilkShape very nice, I have hard-points to add to my ships or for my space stations.
But, I cannot manage to add some glows to my ships or space stations. I need some tutorials how to do it. I found some links, but I can't download it or I can't understand how to create glows :-) Thank you for your help :-)
posted on June 1st, 2013, 3:52 pm
By glows, do you mean the little lit up windows or that hazy glow that comes off the nacelles?
posted on June 1st, 2013, 5:21 pm
"the little lit up windows" :-) You know, aircraft glows, but this time for spaceships. For example, here is the Excelsior ship and there are two little glows with red and green colors. I'd like to create something like this for my own spacecrafts using Milkshape 3D, but I don't know how to start. I need some examples to follow the procedure :_) Thank you.


excelsior2.png (87.08 KiB) Viewed 707 times
posted on June 1st, 2013, 6:32 pm
Ah, the running lights. Do you know how to make hardpoints? If so, it's very similar, just having them parented by the "lights" node instead of the "hardpoints" node and making sure they're named after a sprite. If not, we can give you more detailed instructions.
posted on June 1st, 2013, 9:43 pm
Whilst not quite as impressive, you can also do those sort of running lights by simply painting them onto the texture and using a lightmap (like the windows). They won't blink though. Depends on how complex you want to get.
posted on June 2nd, 2013, 7:18 am
Thank you for the suggestions :-)

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