B2:Graphic - Ugly Textures

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posted on October 14th, 2003, 10:23 pm
Last edited by Dr.Soran on October 14th, 2003, 10:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Well, i think u did a great job but no matter which grade of detail I select, the Textures seem afully ugly and extremely basic. They dont seem to be _anything_ like the ones seen in the screenshots. I ll try to post a screenshot of the problem.



Detail is on max ...
posted on October 15th, 2003, 4:37 am
welcome to the forums

well, we use the same textures for the screenshots as we use in the game :)
we have no use of faked textures.. or would that make you buy Fleet Operations? ;-)

Some of the models (like the canaveral class you choose) are old models from the first modeling phase, which will be replaced.. as you can see in the beta2 changelog we always replace models of old vessels with new ones, but we cannot make them all for one beta ;-)
I don't know what got you that angry about Fleet Operations, calling all its textures ugly, but i think it is no hardware error, cause your screenshot looks ok.
posted on October 15th, 2003, 4:48 am
hm, i don't think he want's to offend you optec, but yea, the canaveral class is a early model which is on our replace list

what screenshots you are refering to, could you pls give us an example?

DOCa Cola
posted on October 15th, 2003, 8:11 am
Well sorry all im not angry or anything and i didnt want to offend anybody. If it isnt a bug, im good. :D

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