Borg mixed tech??

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posted on February 18th, 2013, 11:05 pm
Being playing the borg for a while now and getting to grips with it :woot: , tonite for the first time I captured a fed constuction ship. I then built the adaption matrix and built an adaptor as per the guide, but there were no new modules. ??? ... mixed-tech

Where did I go wrong??
posted on February 18th, 2013, 11:32 pm
You've done nothing wrong here.
Dominus_Noctis wrote:Yes, Borg have no mixed-tech modules for the Adaptor in these versions - the only thing the Mixed Tech facility does is grant a repair yard for your allies and captured units :)
posted on February 18th, 2013, 11:49 pm
Thx for the quick reply on that, do you happen to know if this is permanent.
posted on February 19th, 2013, 12:02 am
Most likely only a temporary thing, since mixed-tech is getting redone soon.
posted on February 20th, 2013, 1:40 pm
Since the devs are in the midst of a game redo this is most likely to change... together with the new game play features. This is, I remember mix tech is going to change. They want to better integrate it into the game. However, I don't know if the Borg will have mix tech at all or if the devs decided to exclude the Borg from mix tech and include something more Borgish... for instance I'd love to see tech assimilation back in game.
posted on February 20th, 2013, 4:03 pm
Yup, Borg themselves obtain their 'mixed technology' via direct assimilation - they don't just strap on a Hyper Impulse Drive and call it a day :) . While the other factions get cool and unique mixed technology ships to build, the Borg improve what they've assimilated - more on that in a future newspost :) .
posted on February 20th, 2013, 4:36 pm
See?! That's the awesomeness of Fleet Operations and those who work on it. :lol:

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