Bug Mashing - Hero Abilities

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posted on May 25th, 2009, 4:05 am
Hiya team, first off 3.6 is fantastic!

I've run into a few bugs with hero ships and their abilities while playing through - I wanted to post to see if I can help you guys out.  I haven't verified these bugs in the ODF's to see what is wrong (I think it might have something to do with the replacement code on the sp weapons), but I will check tomorrow.

Akira (both admirals)
Sp. Ability will not activate

Hyper Impulse drive will not activate

Mangan Phaser Cannon with hero displays rotating "error" graphic instead of the AoE hit effect.

Keep up the great work guys!
posted on May 25th, 2009, 2:24 pm
Well, I checked the Akira bug and wasn't able to duplicate it this morning.  I'm not sure if it is because the overlaysod isn't included in any of the ships above the initial rank (intentional?) or not.

The saber hero bug I was able to duplicate.  The replacement conditions in the fed_impulse don't include those for the r6 ships.

As for the Phalanx/Mangan r6 bug, I haven't learned enough about how Armada 2's weapon effects are coded to find the error.  What is really strange is that it only effects r6 ships, and that it effects both normal fire of the cannon and hypercharge.

I've attached the bugfix to enable the saber hero to use hyper impulse engines.



(953 Bytes) Downloaded 195 times
posted on May 25th, 2009, 5:27 pm
The Defensive Patterns visual effect is missing on higher ranks, thats solved in 3.0.7. The gamemechanic still works, same to the Magnan Phaser

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