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posted on February 26th, 2009, 7:56 pm
Nothing really major here, just a little thing that's been annoying me:


Basically the Fedaration AI's ships are all bunching together when at rest in certain places.
It seems as though they are all trying to get to exactly the same spot on the map, which leads me to believe it is a problem with either the AI's formation files or how it directs it's ships.

This happened severel times in several places; in the case of the screenshot above the ships all jostled for a place bar the ones in the centre (which are all facing the same way), until for seemingly no reason it's all change and some swap places or "give up".

posted on February 26th, 2009, 8:02 pm
Weird. Ship orgy  :ermm:
posted on February 26th, 2009, 8:52 pm
Somewhere along the line one of those captains shouted "BUNDLE!!" and some poor soul got bundled in a mass starship orgy. That Monsoon on the left had the right idea just slinking by, trying not to get noticed too much.
posted on February 27th, 2009, 1:26 am
since ure mentioning ship movements, try the borg construction ship on nirvana 2. try moving across around a wormhole building turrets. or trying to build nodes near existing ships, the place is found and the ship starts moving towards the point, but for some reason doesnt manoeuvre well.

it kinda stays stuck or floating, trying to get to that point, but not quite. i have to manually move the opther ships out of its way, and then get it there.
around the wormhole, it has trouble moving around, i have to move it across and then near the place to build the turret. if there is an object in between, it doesnt move hust bumps up against it trying to get to the spot to build the structure, but never gets there... no obstructions around, just a turret or maybe a ship that it has to move next to - not even around.

Also, on nirvana 2, when coming out of a wormhole with a huge borg fleet, cubes jump over the asteroid belt and get lodged in enemy squares, instead of emerging from your sector and just entering the central battleground.
This does not happen to the spheres or assimilators in the fleet.
posted on February 27th, 2009, 3:07 am
I noticed a similar bunching effect towards the end of a long game against a hard borg; I was down to just a couple mining outposts and a starfleet command, all near the corners of the map.  The entire Borg fleet came down on one of the mining outposts, then just sat there without attacking it.  They used specials against it, like nanites and boarding party, but never actually attacked it.  Finally, I decomissioned it, and they left for the next mining station.

This one was next to my SFC, and the same thing happened; however, when I decomissioned the mining outpost they turned and actually destroyed the SFC.

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