
Program aborts? Network configuration? Graphic errors? Bugs? Post your question here.
posted on August 7th, 2003, 3:15 pm
I'm running the mod on an AMD Athlon 2.05 GHZ with 1GB RAM and a Radeon 9600pro 128mb video card and it runs fairly choppy. The thing that doesn't make sense is that it runs at the same performance whether I turn all of the sound off, detail down, and resolution to 800X600X16 or max everything out. Any ideas? This is the only game I've ever experienced slow down with, and I have defragged and reinstalled. The mod looks really great, it's just annoying when it gets choppy.
posted on August 7th, 2003, 6:13 pm
welcome to the forum!

ok, hm, sounds not to easy to solve, but anyway, of course we try :)
So, have you experienced a slow down with an unmodded armada? which maps have you tried to play yet?

DOCa Cola
posted on August 7th, 2003, 6:28 pm
The unmodded armada seems to work fine. I've tried all of the maps. It seems to be localized from the Klingon mining facility and ships, and the Borg mining ships. It also seems to help to turn the cinematic window off. The Federation seems to work fine for the most part, but I get heavy slowdown with my first Borg Mining Ship, and once the Klingon mining facilty is completed... :wacko: Most of the time I'm playing on the 2 player map, and usually I don't even need to encounter the other player before it starts stuttering.
posted on August 7th, 2003, 6:49 pm
hm, you use the most recent drivers available? do you play in 16 or in 32bit color resolution? what applications are running in the background?

DOCa Cola
posted on August 7th, 2003, 8:03 pm
I thought I had been using the most recent drivers, but I realized that the drivers on the CD that came with my video card were not current. I downloaded the latest drivers and now it is working! Thanks for you help!
posted on August 7th, 2003, 8:20 pm
no problem, glad i could help ^_^

DOCa Cola
User avatar
posted on August 9th, 2003, 2:02 pm
and yet another porblem solved by docacola is there anything this guy can't do???
enough sweet talk give me beta 2 i want beta 2 give me give me give me lol
posted on September 13th, 2003, 7:34 am
lol Eufnoc i agree with you, where is beta 2 :)

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