Collective uplinks underneath building ships.

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posted on February 22nd, 2011, 3:23 am
I'm not really sure if that's actually a feature (in which case this should be in feature request I think), but I don't think it's very good for gameplay. In one recent replay even (one with Sabers vs. Dodecs I think), ships mistakenly fired on an uplink instead of a building sphere (which nearly completed, it was close.) It also causes scouting issues, as you can't easily see all of what the Borg is building.
posted on February 22nd, 2011, 12:51 pm
i'm happy with this.

Building ships are already vulnerable to getting stopped mid build. Yards have def values over 100, a building sphere cant take nearly that much fire.

I am happy that it makes it hard to scout. Borg are already locked into building a ship once they push the chassis button. And 1 borg ship is multiple ships of other races. They can build 1 intep then 2 mons, while u were stuck with that 1 dodeca for example. With borg its easy to see what they will be have for the next few mins. They cant easily decloak cloaked scouts either.

I think it should stay.
posted on February 22nd, 2011, 1:20 pm
I tend to agree with Myles for the moment - until Borg building mechanics change, it would be quite a painful thing for Borgie  :blush:
posted on February 22nd, 2011, 2:10 pm
i personally wont decloak and destroy the uplinks of spheres or below. Maybe any spheres after the third i will think about if the game lasts that long.

Cubes are fair game grrrrrrawrawr

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