Fleetops requires CD....

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posted on May 13th, 2009, 4:15 pm
I gave my brother my CD to use in the Rigs up north so we can play multiplayer together. I installed Armada 2 from an ISO I got online by mounting via Daemon tools, patched to 1.1 and used a 1.1 NoCD key on it. The game worked great. I proceeded to install fleet ops 3.0 and tried to play the game and it asked for a CD. I then burned the ISO on a disk and tried to play fleet ops thinking the disc will solve the issue and it didn't. Any suggestions?
posted on May 13th, 2009, 4:27 pm
welcome to the forums!

don't install fleet operations in a directory that has armada 2 installed, install it to a separate directory. an existing armada 2 installation on your hard disk is not required, the fleet operations installer copies all files needed from the cd. replace the armada2.exe in the data directory with a nocd patched armada 2 1.1 exe file if you like to play without cd. please do not use nocd patches if you don't have the appropriate number of licenses. i think armada 2 in lan mode doesn't requiere both PCs to have a cd available, only the host does for up to two human players.
posted on May 13th, 2009, 5:32 pm
Thank you for the Welcome!

What you suggested helped, but as you say the host is the only one that needs the disc... so I really didn't need to crack the game :P

I have also looked to buy a second copy of A2 and on Ebay there is only a handful going for a mint... Anyone know of a company selling in Canada?

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