Game Freezed

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posted on April 5th, 2009, 10:04 pm
Hey guys!
i just experienced a weird thing during a play:
i played a multiplayer session, the game was in its final stage as it suddenly began to jerking. I first thought
something (or someone) is jamming the internet, so my friend and i checked it both, but we could load youtube
vid's with full speed. So we tried to ignore the jerking (maybe it would vanish by itself) but infact it became
worse and in the end the game freezed complete. You could still scroll around, click on units/buildings, the
tooltips poped up, you could enter the menu and you were able to pause the game, but it just dont run anymore. All
units freezed in their actions and nothing reacted on anything you've done.
I have no clue what might caused that, we just played the game as always...
posted on April 5th, 2009, 10:34 pm
never heard of or experienced that before :P can't really do much about the netcode either...

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