Game freezes in multiplayer after tunngle installation

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posted on February 3rd, 2012, 7:09 pm
Dear Support member,

I recently started to play Star Trek Armarda 2 Fleetops. I could play with may friend over hamachi several games just fine. Then we decided to install tunngle to play with others. We finished one multiplayer game without any issues.

However then Fleetops started to lag so strongly that the game was unplayable (sometimes even stopped). I did forward tunngle ports: That did not help. Meanwhile the issue actually increased so that the lag would happen right away at the beginning of the game.

However everytime I put my computer into the DMZ zone respectively out of it we could play for some seconds. AFter a day we could even play for a longer time. Still, the issue came back.

I tried to deinstall tunngle and play in hamachi only. That neither helped.

I hoped for any further suggestions here. Thank you in advance.
posted on February 3rd, 2012, 8:27 pm
(not a support member, but I'll try)

So this problem never happens in single player?  Try playing a multiplayer game, and if it slows down heavily try quitting and starting an instant action game.  It sounds like some kind of memory leak.  Or honestly, it could be caused by Windows Update running in the background :P

The first thing though is to figure out if it's just due to the network or is related to the game and your machine
posted on February 3rd, 2012, 8:37 pm
Hmmm, windows update is in fact in the background. Never bothered to actually confirm the update.

However its not related to the game. Instant action runs fine. I tried to reinstall the game and did the windows update. I will update if I know more.

Thank you so far. Highly appreciated.
posted on February 4th, 2012, 5:00 am
Ok, problem is solved.

Cant thank you enough.

You can close the thread.

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