Generix Bug?

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posted on August 4th, 2009, 3:31 pm
when i play as the Romulans and have a Federation ally.  One of the mixed tech ships comes with a Critical shot special weapon, however once said ship ranks up with two gold bars, the special weapon goes away.  Is this a bug or by design?
posted on August 4th, 2009, 3:32 pm
This is a bug, glad you caught it :)  :thumbsup:
posted on August 4th, 2009, 3:41 pm
if we want to get all "bug reporting happy"...

whats up with the weapon ranges???

used to be, you get a steamrunner class, and just artillery bomb starbases at long distance, leaving a small token force to defend said long range bomber.

but now, starbases with a weapon range of "Long" seem to be able to shoot at and destroy vesels with ranges of "artillery".

whats up with that.

you try using that romulan bomber against a dominion or klingon starbase, they'll kill you every time with 2 or 3 shots
posted on August 4th, 2009, 3:54 pm
The Devs are currently rethinking some range changes, but these problems have nothing to do with actual weapon ranges. Try setting your Bombers to low movement autonomy and green alert: this way they will not move within long range... and instead will hopefully engage from their actual artillery range :). Also, if you use more than 2-3 ships, keep in mind that the will try to remain in formation--as a consequence, the ships in the front will move in closer, to allow the ships in back to fire. This of course means that stations are easily able to fire upon some of the artillery vessels.
posted on August 4th, 2009, 4:05 pm
dont get me wrong, i'm all for game balancing, i think it is a good thing that some of the starbases have longer weapon ranges than others, but if they have artillary ranges, they should say so.  or long plus 2 feet.

even with single bomber and a cloaked scout ship behind the starbase for line of sight, the starbase still manages to kill the bomber.  the bomber wont fire till its too close.  and the weapon range arc circle thing isn't accurate.  the ship CAN shoot further than it thinks it can. but you cant tell it to shoot something specifically.  you have to inch it in bit by bit.  It can kill disruptors ok, but i think the computer AI thinks the ship is only a Long, thats why it keeps wanting to move in too close.

i dont know for sure, that is simply my observatrions
posted on August 4th, 2009, 4:10 pm
i will take a look at the weaponrange issue

The Generix bug has been fixed, thanks for reporting! :thumbsup:
posted on August 4th, 2009, 4:45 pm
I have never noticed the problem that you are mentioning Baleful. As far as I've seen, every starbase is only long range, and I can attack them with few problems using artillery... I'll play around with it and see if I have any issues.
posted on August 4th, 2009, 4:53 pm
Speaking about Starbase weapon ranges; Why are they all Long? Shouldn't their beam, pulse and torp weapons have different ranges?

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