graphic problem with FO 3.0.7

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posted on December 13th, 2009, 2:40 pm
each time i'm trying to play  fo i'm making sure  to switch the graphic resolotion from 800x600  to 1680x1050 32 bit  and when the game starts it reverts back to 800x600 it's really frustating :crybaby:

my computer is kinda new circa september 2009 .

cpu: intel core2 duo E8400 3.0 GHZ
RAM: 4.0 GB
Video card: ATI Radeon 4850 1024 MB GDDR3
posted on December 13th, 2009, 3:52 pm
Have you tried to change resolution after starting a instant action game with pressing ESC and so on?
posted on December 21st, 2009, 3:29 pm
the shell is always locked 800x600. as soon as you launch a game, armada switches to the resolution you selected in the game options.
posted on January 12th, 2010, 1:44 am
sometimes it's stays at 800x600 and is not eccepting the change of the resolution
posted on January 12th, 2010, 3:39 am
shostak wrote:sometimes it's stays at 800x600 and is not eccepting the change of the resolution

Do you mean it stay as a somewhat small window, not covering the whole screen? If so, that will change as soon as you enter game :)
posted on January 12th, 2010, 12:38 pm
ok ,  thanks.
posted on January 14th, 2010, 12:48 am
Dominus_Noctis wrote:Do you mean it stay as a somewhat small window, not covering the whole screen? If so, that will change as soon as you enter game :)

actually no , it's fixed on 800x600 no matter  what i'm doing to to put it to 1680x1050 it's fixed on 800x600 and not changing so i reinstalled  the mod

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