How To Install Fleet Operations Without A Cd?

Program aborts? Network configuration? Graphic errors? Bugs? Post your question here.
posted on August 22nd, 2006, 9:17 am
Now thats easy: go buy the game and you can with a real cd.

please, don't come up with your 'my dog ate it', 'my friend scratched it', 'a car ran over it' stories.

If you have lost your armada 2 cd for whatever reasons, go contact activision or spend the 5 bucks for a new cd. other than that you can >always< just download a backup image from somewhere off the internet. BUT don't ask here in the fleet operations forums where to as it just don't belong here.

Don't expect support for warez related problems here on the board. Such topics will now instantly be closed or deleted (or as soon as a moderator sees them)

DOCa Cola

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