How to set game resolution (and frequency) from outside the

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posted on January 24th, 2010, 5:50 pm
Hi, I need to set the resolution (or at least the used frequency) from outside the game but can not find the file which saves these informations. So, is it possible and if it is, where's the file?

Problem: my monitor turns black when a program tries to use 75hz mode. It's a known problem for Viewsonic screens. I can repair it - but didn't have the time yet.
posted on January 30th, 2010, 10:55 am
hm, good question. armada's resolution enumeration actually doesn't care a lot for hz frequencies. there is no file to specify a refresh rate. you may be able to do that through external tools though i don't know which may work for you. a few years back there was an option in the nvidia drivers that you could unlock with a special registry entry (if you have an nvidia card) to force refresh rates for specified resolutions. i don't know if these still exist in the newer drivers.

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