posted on June 15th, 2011, 9:19 pm
Last edited by Anonymous on June 15th, 2011, 9:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Okay, so when I go to play in-game everything looks different.
The main menu looks fine but I play a game and all the text and everything else looks to be a little blurry.
Anyone else see this?
Bugs the heck outa me lol. First I thought it was me. It all started when I switched to map editor to see something about a Borg base next to their enemy the Romulans. But when I did switch to map editor the screen didn't go back to full screen, it was the size of the main menu when you first open up FleetOps.
I played around with the resolution settings and got the text back to normal size but was still blurry. Switching changed my resolution settings on the game
I uninstalled and reinstalled, didnt change a thing.
Help please!