Lag/stuttering using direct connect

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posted on October 7th, 2009, 12:43 am
[shadow=red,left]Hi everybody,[/shadow]
first of all I would like to thank the devs for making this beautiful mod. A friend of mine and me started playing it for the last couple of days but we can't get the internet game working very well.

We are using direct connect to play the game only us two against AI players. From a series of game which all started of with minor stuttering (no connection dialog but game freezing @both ends) and then constantly degraded to an [b]unplayable state (>1h)[/b]. We broke of many games because you you had 2 frames every 30 seconds.  >:(

Our high-end machines are perfectly capable to player 8 player single game on maximum graphics but we are both using Windows 7 64bit.

Network connection is dsl and a cable connection, so no bottle-neck there... (my friend uses a WIFI)

We had only one good game so far. That means we could play it to the defeat of the AIs. This was a 3 player map (Hammertime. The others were 4 or more player maps). Do you recon that it could be a map related issue or maybe that the WIFI causes the lag? Or Win7?
We are quite helpless and the search function didn't help either. One last thing though, we had Armada 2 (with the nice patch) running and it worked well if I remember correctly. Please help us!!!!!

[align=center]THANK YOU[/align]  :borg:
posted on October 7th, 2009, 1:38 am
Well, it could be WIFI, but might I suggest either trying the built in Gamespy feature, or perhaps Wippien to see if that eases your troubles? I'm honestly cluless about why it would work well with A2 and badly with direct connect... but I think that direct connect has causes issues for people during at least patch 3.0.6 (and possibly also 3.0.7) for Fleet Operations. I can't remember which patch it was supposed to be remedied for, but it could be 3.0.8 (the next patch) ... which means that it wasn't fixed for 3.0.7  :sweatdrop: . Sorry if that sounded rambling, but that's the clearest I could make that paragraph sound after a wonderful exam I took half an hour ago  :lol:
posted on October 12th, 2009, 10:29 pm
ok, first of all I'd like to thank the previous poster and today we finally had time to test your suggestion (gamespy). I have to admit i had high hopes and it started out allright but after 30 mins -> lag.

is the game created @gamespy's servers or on my computer when I click "create game"?

nevertheless we tried changing my friend's wifi card which seemed to do the job. game's still a little slower than single-player but no more stuttering  :thumbsup:
posted on October 13th, 2009, 12:03 am
No problem: sorry to hear that it is still slower than IA and that Gamespy didn't work for you (the game is still hosted by you, it is just routed through Gamespy's servers I think).

If you want to play with other people, Wippien's the service to use though :). Sometimes it's just the pathing that's to blame for the lagging sadly  :sweatdrop:

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