Large issue with the graphics menu

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posted on May 9th, 2009, 2:19 am
ok, first i wanted to try window mode and the small screen didnt appeal to me, so i wanted to change it back, but in its place there were 4 buttons called enabled. it did not show what they were there for but i had to reinstall the game to fix it. then when i got back it the resolution menu would not scroll, so it went off the bottom of my screen and stopped at a 512xsomething resolution. on a 20inch widescreen i cannot play this game with a 512-anything resolution lol. any help with this would be greatly appreciated. i have dled the game, patch 303, and the multimedia pack. thats it.
posted on May 9th, 2009, 3:04 am
A common 3.0.3 bug with ATI graphics cards, if I remember correctly.  I had the same prob myself.  The later patches fix that menu problem.  If its 3.0.3 you wish to play with, then you must reinstall a previous patch (or just 3.0), set the resolution you want, then install 3.0.3.  Hope this helps
posted on May 9th, 2009, 5:26 am
it would be an easier fix to just download 3.5a but thats up to you
posted on May 9th, 2009, 10:20 am
yes, 3.0.3 is quite old, the issue you describe was a known 3.0.3 bug. i recommend you get the current patch from the download section

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