Miner docking

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posted on September 11th, 2010, 10:14 am
Don't know if this has been mentioned before:

When a miner is docked it wont follow any orders. so if it is docked it is vulnerable to being attacked and cant run.

this means that if u select all the miners at an exp, and give an order, crazy stuff happens. the docked freighter just ignores u. the other two, which selected alone would follow your order, decide to stop. and stand still.
posted on September 11th, 2010, 10:17 am
Yeah this can be annoying when your mining is under attack...is there a way to make a miner unselectable when it's docked or something?
posted on September 11th, 2010, 10:23 am
or make it actually follow a move order and leave the dock lol. why are the miners so determined to drop off the res?

its just money and the captain is like: "i dont care if they are attacking, we MUST drop off this money"

also its been mentioned before, but i think when docked the miner should be protected by the mining station's shields. except for borg of course.
posted on September 11th, 2010, 10:31 am
Well I can kinda see it not being able to move when it's docked, I mean maybe the docking clamps can't be released while dilithium/tritanium is being transferred off the station.

But yeah, being protected by the station's shields would make sense...
posted on September 11th, 2010, 9:07 pm
Automatically following the order after offloading the resources would be one thing you could do. You could select the dock one with the others and it'll go when it's finished without being told twice.
posted on September 12th, 2010, 11:28 am
I consider this as a realistic thing. If the miner starts to unload a shipment of Dilithium, the process may be very delicate. If they would leave at the middle of the project, it could cause a huge explosion destroying both the ship and the mining facility.
posted on September 12th, 2010, 11:46 am
k_merse wrote:I consider this as a realistic thing. If the miner starts to unload a shipment of Dilithium, the process may be very delicate. If they would leave at the middle of the project, it could cause a huge explosion destroying both the ship and the mining facility.

sitting still and getting shot at causes an explosion too.

they should risk running if the enemy is there.
posted on September 12th, 2010, 2:05 pm
...and all those poor dockworkers cried out as the airlocks opened, but no sound came out  :whistling:
posted on September 13th, 2010, 10:18 am
i'll see if that can be fixed

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