Minimum/Maximum effective range

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posted on December 15th, 2011, 3:15 am
This question is for both stock A2 and Fleet ops, though i guess you could put it in ideas and features too if it was possible. Is there a minimum range command for weapons. I know the 'range within which this weapon will fire' command but does that only apply to maximum range? Can i put say between 500-800 meaning a weapon will only operate within those ranges. What i mean is long range weapons can only target stuff at long range, medium range stuff at medium range and so on. it would help with independent/multiple targeting. 'long range torpedo fire', medium range 'phasers'; short range CIWS 'pulse phasers. (The short range weapons wouldn't be like point defense but more useful for fighters/runabouts ect. not intended for torpedoes.)

// Range within which the weapon will fire.
range = 400.0-500.00f

Something like this?
posted on December 15th, 2011, 3:34 am
Unfortunately weapons can only have a maximum range defined, not a minimum one at the moment.

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