Priority Repair AI Bug?

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posted on September 13th, 2009, 7:24 pm
My wife and I were playing a 2 versus 2 game against the AI on hard. We put both the AI's on one team and set them at random, where as we were playing Federation together as armada 1. When the game started and the AI made their first strike we found out the computer had selected the Federation and the Borg as our enemies.

Once the battle started and we were taking damage to our ships we attempted to use the Priority Repair command but to our surprise the ships sent for repair headed deeper into enemy territory as if to try and repair at the enemy federation base??? :blink:  Of course none of them made it that far, so I am not positive that's where they were going, but it certainly was not to one of our shipyards.

By the way were playing on the map Da' ka Corridore. So as soon as they started to go through the Corridor the wrong way :pinch: we knew something was up.

Any ideas?
posted on September 13th, 2009, 9:20 pm
The ironic thing is that this is the only time EVER I have read or heard someone mention that "Armada" column. I even searched for it on the web and came up with nothing.

Until earlier TODAY when it was explained to me for the first time by Mort! And low and behold, someone mentions it in a post from which it is possible to infer the purpose.


And on topic: Huh... Perhaps it's a problem with that ally-friendly repairyard thing?
posted on September 13th, 2009, 9:23 pm
I don't know what could cause the issue (Yes, I'm useless :( ), but if you are interested Exodus, "Armada" and other settings etc are explained in the downloadable guide :)
posted on September 14th, 2009, 2:35 pm
To me it is the replace weapon the ship resets even though it is said to be "the same ship". I think that there should be a "previous order check" code where if there was an order given before firing or shutting down the weapon, that the action would be re-applied.
posted on September 15th, 2009, 1:47 am
There already is a 'previous order check' for the replaceweapon classlabel

replacementmaintainorders = 1

Maybe it just doesn't work under certain circumstances or with certain orders.
posted on September 15th, 2009, 7:19 am
under some cirumstances the maintainorders command doesn't work correctly, which has been fixed in the upcoming patch.
i am not sure about the shipyard issue, i will try to replicate the situation described and see what happens :)
posted on September 15th, 2009, 11:56 am
In some normal Instant Action games, some of my ships didnt do anything when I gave them the order to repair. They just stood there in space. No enemy ships, even no cloaked ones, were around.

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