Red Alert, Yellow Alert etc sound not playing

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posted on January 19th, 2014, 7:00 am
Hello there,

As far as I can tell this isn't a bug, so much as "FleetOps has this turned off".

Basically, Stock A2 had a voiceover when you changed the alert status of a ship. It's defined in the events.dat as ComputerGreenAlert, ComputerYellowAlert, ComputerRedAlert. In KA2 I changed the voices to sound effects, but either way, a sound was played.

In FleetOps, it does not. Merely a button beep sounds. It doesn't seem to trigger this event. Nor does it function in the STA2 Classic Mod.

As I said, I assume the devs turned this off as a choice. However is it possible to re-enable this function? I quite liked my Green, Yellow and Red Alert sound effects from Starfleet Command II....
posted on January 20th, 2014, 3:33 pm
Yes, this is something that we broke without noticing a long time ago - it's fixed for the next release :)
posted on January 20th, 2014, 8:53 pm
Ah, okay :) In the short term I did find a fix, based of the files for Hero unit.

I went into craft.odf and added

eventRedAlert = "ComputerRedAlert"
eventYellowAlert = "ComputerYellowAlert"
eventGreenAlert = "ComputerGreenAlert"

This restored this functionality to all ships :)

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