posted on May 20th, 2009, 12:38 pm
Hi I'm trying out my own version of a refit system.
It involves using a replace weapon to get the ship from normal to a refit in progress (weapons and engines are offline aka no weapons and speed of 0)
then an other replace weapon to change it to the refitted ship.
I wanted these replace weapons to use special energy to work (first one drains the ships special energy then the second will only activate once it reaches the required energy amount giving it a build time feel.
however I used the replacementInstantPlayer = 1 command on the second replace weapon so it changed automatically but the command does not seam to take the specialEnergyCost command in to afftect and changes stright away (when energy is at 0).
Is the a way to get the replacementInstantPlayer = 1 to take the specialEnergyCost comand in to affect before using.
Hope this makes sence.