Replaceweapon Auto-Warpin (Fixed, PM me for files)

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posted on May 4th, 2009, 2:40 pm
Last edited by Exodus on May 4th, 2009, 4:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Wasn't sure whether to make a new thread, did it anyway.

I've been trying for ages to get a ship to warp in automatically.
The weapon is attatched to both fed avatar outposts, and is timed to activate after five seconds of play (I've been editing someone's scritp the posted here, but my memory fails me on who it belonges to...).

So far, I've created a new ship using the old Promethues files called "HMS Warr", and managed to get it to warp in after five seconds (although the weapon takes some time to activate, late as usual :P), but after it arrives it just sits there and does nothing - grey on the minimap, when selected it has all attributes but no command bar and a greyed out fed logo. No event is invoked, and no amount of waiting will put the ship under my control.

I can post the code if you want, just ask. I have a feeling it may be the ship, but then again I can't be sure... The thing can be selected and targeted by ships (if you force them), but nowt else. Help?
posted on May 4th, 2009, 2:53 pm
Do you Warp-In the ship staright in? The game normally Warps-In with a seperate ship odf then uses a weapon to switch it to the odf used in game.
posted on May 4th, 2009, 3:21 pm
Last edited by Exodus on May 4th, 2009, 4:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
It's almost exactly how the game does it already, I think. Except automated. And it doesn't work :pinch:

The game gives the sfcommand structure a relaceweapon. So:

Outpost uses fed_warpin_special -> ..............

Ah. I may have been going about this entirely wrong.

See, I was going by the standard (COMPLICATED) warp in, but now I look at the special case for the descent.... The problem may just be solved. Sorry guys! :sweatdrop:

I'll post back here if it all goes dreadfully wrong again. Last time I began playing, I managed to break ALL the tooltips. With one comma. :D

EDIT: Right, I've changed it all to use the standard defiant and based it on the Descent warp-in. It works! Hooray!
Now I just have to play around with it until it's almost overpowered... I'll give it to Risner, I think. Just for a fun excercise... No idea what the problem was earlier. If anyone wants the (working) files, then PM me and I'll gladly provide them.

Tyler wrote:Do you Warp-In the ship straight in? The game normally Warps-In with a seperate ship odf then uses a weapon to switch it to the odf used in game.

I reckon this is because it replaces the station with itself and the new ship(s), then the warp in is just an animation that only applys to the unselectable ships. After the animation plays, they all replace themselves with working replicas :P

Cheers for all the help, me! :lol:
posted on May 4th, 2009, 10:23 pm
well i'd like to get a replace weapon to change my galaxy to the venture refit after a certain amount of time (its for my refit system)
posted on May 4th, 2009, 10:59 pm
exodus_499 wrote:Wasn't sure whether to make a new thread, did it anyway.

I've been trying for ages to get a ship to warp in automatically.
The weapon is attatched to both fed avatar outposts, and is timed to activate after five seconds of play (I've been editing someone's scritp the posted here, but my memory fails me on who it belonges to...).

So far, I've created a new ship using the old Promethues files called "HMS Warr", and managed to get it to warp in after five seconds (although the weapon takes some time to activate, late as usual :P), but after it arrives it just sits there and does nothing - grey on the minimap, when selected it has all attributes but no command bar and a greyed out fed logo. No event is invoked, and no amount of waiting will put the ship under my control.

I can post the code if you want, just ask. I have a feeling it may be the ship, but then again I can't be sure... The thing can be selected and targeted by ships (if you force them), but nowt else. Help?

hey, the reason the prometheus doesn't work is because your fake warp in ship has the prometheus replaceweapon in it still so it getsall confused about which replace weapon to use (the one you added) or MVAM...

remvoe that weapon from the promethus warp in ship but leave it intact on the real prometheus and it will switch over correctly and MVAM will still be their as the warpin is just a dummy...

al my warpin's use exactly the same .odf with the baseName = changed and the weapon they fire name changed just slightly... now every single fed ship for me is warpable..
posted on May 4th, 2009, 11:56 pm
Blade all you would have to do is give the autowarpin weapon to your galaxy class
posted on May 5th, 2009, 4:25 pm
redmanmark86 wrote:hey, the reason the prometheus doesn't work is because your fake warp in ship has the prometheus replaceweapon in it still so it getsall confused about which replace weapon to use (the one you added) or MVAM...

remvoe that weapon from the promethus warp in ship but leave it intact on the real prometheus and it will switch over correctly and MVAM will still be their as the warpin is just a dummy...

al my warpin's use exactly the same .odf with the baseName = changed and the weapon they fire name changed just slightly... now every single fed ship for me is warpable..

Oooops... I meant Premonition :sweatdrop:
Yeah, I might try it again with the Premonition but I didn't really want it in the game - it was just *something* to use. Sorry :P

Blade wrote:well i'd like to get a replace weapon to change my galaxy to the venture refit after a certain amount of time (its for my refit system)

Well that should be possible. I'll have a play around when I'm done with awesome-ing up this Defiant, I reckon you should just be able to add some lines.


Code: Select all
wpnName = "Auto Warpin"
buttonSlot = 0
range = 300
replacementMode = 1
needTarget = 0
targetLocation = 1
AItargetLocation = 1
replacementWarpIn = 1
replacementKeepOwner = 1
replacementRegisterAsNew = 1
replacementResetSpecialEnergy = 1
replacementMode = 1
replacement0Condition = "unitedfederation"
replacement0Class0 = "fed_warrW"
replacementInstantPlayer = 1
replacementInstantAI = 1
replacementInstantDelay = 1
overrideCeaseFire = 1
classLabel = "replaceweapon"
special = 1
replacementMaintainOrders = 1
speakOnAttack = 0
attackSpeech = 0 the warp in replaceweapon I gave to the outpost. (But it's a bit more complicated than that!)

I think the "replacementInstant____" lines are the relevant ones, although I'm not sure what "___AI" and "___Player" do.
Activating automatically for an AI and human player respectively? Dunno.

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