Romulan Tal'Shiar Station

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posted on August 22nd, 2010, 5:47 am
I dunno if anyone else has noticed this but my friend and I have been playing Rom v Fed extensively lately and we've noticed that sometimes, not every time, when the Romulan player triggers the "reveal stations" ability (or possibly even the regular Sleeper Agent ability), the federation player's combat fleets automatically start to move towards the Tal'Shiar station. They can be issued new orders to stop that but if the Fed player isn't paying attention he can suddenly find his entire fleet strung out between his base and the Romulan base.

Anyway, just thought I'd point that out for a future release.
posted on August 22nd, 2010, 5:49 am
It would make sense that the game thinks they're being attacked by a weapon, since they are. Has that happened with other races?
posted on August 22nd, 2010, 5:52 am
Do you know if there is any Tal Shiar Romulan ships and stations for non-Fleet Ops Mods? I could do what I did with some Dominion Ships and Stations from Fleet Ops and use them if I had to.
posted on August 22nd, 2010, 6:21 am
That's odd. Have you tried to set your ships to low movement autonomy?
posted on August 22nd, 2010, 11:24 am
is on todo

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