Ship Shields

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posted on January 27th, 2012, 4:48 pm
Last edited by DOCa Cola on February 1st, 2012, 9:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
Hi again, i have over the last two days noticed that when i open a saved game, that some of my ships have shields that appear red? when i check this the ship in red appear to have shields over 100% usually between 103%-107% also when these ships are set to repair they stay in the repair dock indefinately. The only way to get the ship put of the repair yard is to us a friendly ship to lower the sheild below 100%? has any one else noticed this or is this just me?
posted on January 27th, 2012, 4:58 pm
We've been getting that one for a while, it seems to have been fixed in the next version though.
posted on January 27th, 2012, 5:03 pm
yeah, just after i posted this i read the fixed bug tabel lol! Do we know when 3.3.0 is coming out? and what major changes are being implemented?
posted on January 27th, 2012, 5:09 pm
The 'News' section of the forum has some info on features and changes, while asking for time estimates just gets a reply of Soon, When it's Ready or whatever varient the first poster can think up.
posted on January 27th, 2012, 6:41 pm
Hopfully they've fixed the frozen shuttles too.

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