Shipyard destruction when a ship is being built

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posted on May 26th, 2009, 4:47 pm
I dont know if this has been mentioned already so please excuse the redundancy if it has.

I noticed that in multiplayer as well as Instant Action, when a ship is near completion at a shipyard, but not yet ready, and the yard is destroyed, the ship does not get destroyed.

Instead it floats in now empty space (empty since the yard is gone) and slowly decommissions itself.
this looks queer.

Could you guys please fix this.

Thanks  :thumbsup:
posted on May 26th, 2009, 4:52 pm
I haven't noticed that. It always looked like regular, instantly-gone debris to me.
posted on May 26th, 2009, 5:06 pm
yes, the ship stays and decommissions itself after the shipyard is gone. nothing we did, thats is a stock armada 'feature'. i'll put a todo up for this but with low priority - it's not something you see quite often anyways

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