Torpedo Speeds and Acceleration

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posted on September 1st, 2010, 2:12 pm
Hi guys, I wanted to know exactly how do the following codes work together.


I simply wanted to know if shot speed code was the maximum speed, and shot acceleration is how quickly it comes up to speed. Because I want to make some torpedoes (TOS and TMP klingons) that start slow but then accelerate to faster speeds.

If shot speed is the initial departure speed. Then does the shot acceleration code signify its potential speed?
posted on September 1st, 2010, 3:06 pm
Do you drive?

Acceleration is how fast it gets up to full speed starting from 0.  The higher the number, the quicker it makes it so make it high enough and it will reach full speed almost instantly.  A very low number and it may not have reached full speed by the time it hits (or misses) its target.

Someone else would have to supply exactly how the numbers work but you can always play around and see what happens.
posted on September 2nd, 2010, 1:20 pm
location is the position in the world, in our case the x-y-z vector of an objects center of mass
speed or velocity is the change of location per time unit
acceleration is the change of velocity per time unit
and forces would invoke changes of acceleration per time unit, but they are not used in the simple physics of Fleet Operations
posted on September 2nd, 2010, 1:26 pm
So you're saying I can't really make a slow-to-fast torpedo?
posted on September 2nd, 2010, 2:14 pm
the slower the acceleration, the slower the acceleration :D

nevertheless, armada weapons dont spawn at 0 velocity. would have to test that. just experiment with the values and tell us your findings :)

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