Unselected ship still recieving orders
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posted on October 7th, 2009, 4:39 am
I have only noticed this with Klingons but I do not think its a racial specific issue. I have a battle group and I unselect a single vessel. I then tell it cloak and to go back and repair. I then re assign the battle group and then tell the group to move. The unselected ship responds to the move order but its not selected. There seems to be a 3 second window in where the unselected ship responds to the orders you give the battle group it was previously assigned to.
Any one else noticed this? Or is it just me?
Any one else noticed this? Or is it just me?
posted on October 7th, 2009, 7:56 pm
Now that I think about it a bit more in depth, I think I have noticed that before... I brushed it off as lag beforehand, but in retrospect I don't think it is/was
posted on October 8th, 2009, 9:05 pm
i'll have a look at that. thanks for the report
posted on October 16th, 2009, 5:20 am
Its defiantly not just a klingon or cloaking issue. I have played alot of online games and have lost alot of ships to this glitch I really hope it gets fixed with the next patch. It has to do with the unselected ship still recognizing that its still in a assigned battle group even though the player has already re-assigned the battle group without the specific ship. Im no programmer but I would imagine it would be in whatever script is used to assign a battlegroup aka CTR 1-9
posted on October 16th, 2009, 7:39 am
if someone has a reliable way to reproduce the issue, just post it here
posted on October 16th, 2009, 5:19 pm
Well, ever since Greatgreengoo mentioned it, I think that about 90% of the time that I cause a fleet to make an order right after removing one of the ships, that ship carries out the command as well. I think it is time dependent... I'll try to experiment more with it--what exactly are you looking for in terms of reporducibility (as it seems to happen most times...)?
posted on October 17th, 2009, 11:53 pm
Ive noticed this before when you have a group of ships and you tell them to go somewhere and then like a bunch of other ships follow them. Almost makes me think it has something to do with the yellow movement status.
posted on October 18th, 2009, 1:10 am
You can actually see it in the game that Yandon posted where Mort and I play eachother: I had my units on low movement autonomy, and things still went screwy... Quite annoying, as I can count at least 5 separate incidents of it happening.
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