Various problems encountered and a listing.

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posted on May 10th, 2010, 4:56 pm
I have produced a list of game problems for about a week now, i am still exploring 3.12 and it's limits so far while playing the game, many 3.11 bugs and problems have not been fixed in 3.12 and still carry some significance.

Personally i find the adjustments the federation pulsed cannons distasteful as i usually freelance a defiant ship for kills. Besides that everything else is great and the balance is almost there.


* Movement autonomy seems to be ignored with some ships while grouped, i have noticed that when an attack begins some ships which were specifically ordered not to move begin moving by themselves and engaging the enemy, the only way i could keep them in check is by double clicking its placement position and triple clicking green autonomy. I have not lost any ships yet but it is highly annoying.

* Related to movement autonomy: is when your on a map like 'the undiscovered land' you send your grouped fleet through a wormhole to the opposite side of the map, sometimes some ships return to the rest of the ships on the side of the wormhole you just sent them through and travel the entire map to reach these ship instead of staying still on the other side of the wormhole.

* The AI Romulan and occasionally the AI Klingon almost always cloaks their ship during any fight as soon as their shields go down. IMHO this feature shouldn't be so exploitable like the AI use it. There has to be a balance.

* The sensor station is useless for any race. i automatically set their special weapon to high settings and leave it as it have no real use TBH. from there on i don't even build such stations any longer.

* Pulsed Federation weapons are too weak. I typically use one Defiant ship for freelance missions leaving my standard one Excelsior II Rnk6, one Sovereign Rnk5, and another ship of Rnk6 placed in positions within a typical torpedo turret deathtrap around the perimeter my base. In 3.11 i thought the Defiant class ships pulsed weapons was a bit weak and pretty much useless until Rank 6/full Veteran when going to find some ships to destroy.

* The Borg in general are too overpowered and can very easily unbalance the game, a couple of tactical cubes can wipe out a base in no time and a sizable fleet of ships.

* Some ship names are a bit odd, an example would be the Klingon ships, some ship names have english earth native registries like Incomparable, Decimator, Death's Hand.. by Klingon psyche alone, the Federation is at the very least as far as culture goes, at odds with Klingon style, doubtless they would never adapt to english names. Federation starships also have some names mis-spelt and need a recheck

* Weapon hits are a bit odd, the weapons hit their target but register no damage half the time and should register any and all hits that do hit, and i am not talking about torpedoes that have missed their targets because that was bound to happen, but what actually hit the ship at the time.

* The AI attack strategy is too predictable even on merciless setting, hence making the game very easy even with the Borg. I could just sit behind my Federation torpedo death trap all day shooting anything coming my way and once their attack has subsided, i send my own fleet out and wipe em all out before they could respond during that 10 minute rebuilding. The AI needs to be more unpredictable to give players a more varied strategy to work with on higher difficulty settings and at the very least a base to work off during multiplayer rounds.

* The Decent class ship is just as useless as the underpowered Sovereign class.

* The Defiant has a lack in speed, the ship is designed to defeat the Borg as seen in First Contact before it was destroyed, but it did evade the Borg Weapons for a good deal of time before the ship was eventually destroyed, the evasive ability is tied into the Defiant ship speed. But it must of been seen during the various episodes in DS9 and i am not convinced the impulse speed is fast enough for a ship of that size.

* The Intrepid class as stated in early voyager episodes, it was stated the ship can not operate effectively on less then 100 crew members, and yet the game has the crew at 80. Additionally the Galaxy class has 1010 souls on board their ships at full capacity and about 500 in combat situations like going to war and 34 decks to cover. It seems a lack of reading or watching star trek episodes or technical specifications.

* The torpedo size is inaccurate like phasers and such for the ship size.

* Tooltips neglect the cooldown seconds information required before a special weapon can fire again. using a Tavera warbird ability or the Borg boarding ability from a tactical cube, it is not stated how many seconds is required before it can be used again regardless of special energy left.

* Federation and Dominion races each have to research or build the chassis required for the fleet to be built before hand, while the rest do not need this feature, in a straight fight i could build a small fleet of Romulan ships before the Federation can get on it's feet and probably defeat them. The Dominion feature can also be exploited and that makes the game unbalanced.

* Romulans lack the defensive capabilities of their counterpart races, where as the Federation has torpedo turrets that can swallow a fleet whole or that deathtrap Dominion perimeter station, the Romulans have it 3x harder trying to destroy even a B'Rel Klingon ship, one would assume that the Romulans have the capabilities to defend themselves just as good as anyone else and maintain their treacherous advantage.

* The game crashes every so often leaving it's frozen screen in place, naturally i press the windows key and the windows screen does not pop-up, every time this happens i do not know what is going on, i press the off button which always shut the computer down after windows closing, but because of this 'crash' this game has, it doesn't do it which is specific to this game crash, every time i am left to do a hard restart.

FO Multimedia

* Each race has about 5 tracks each and usually a few minutes long each, TBH i hope to hear more music for this MOD. So far so good.

* The Loading music is low quality version, in general it's annoying but it only lasts a few seconds i hope to hear a few more tracks for the slower computers. The same holds true for the main menu music.

* The Mod should be more compatible with MP3 extension rather then WAV or both ways, besides that i have wanted to add music to the mod, potentially it could increase the playability and enjoyability of the MOD.

* Borg music seems to be broken or missing a few segments at 0:59 and 1:02. i said, 'seems to be', i am not sure if the composer decided to do this or it's an error somewhere.


* Several tooltips are missing their information, an example would be the dodecahedron when mouse hovering.

* The weapon effects look good for Federation however still inaccurate sizing, the Klingon effects however need a study, from what i remember of the DS9 season 4 fight, the older Klingon cruisers used red beams and the later ships used green.

* The game has become less user friendly from 3.11 due the additions of the various 'improvements'.

* The subsystem targeting feature is much more dicier thing to deal with as it success rate is exploitable and not random enough, especially with the converted Klingon-Borg torpedo melting passive ability. A fleet of dodecahedrons could easily disable a fleet of enemy ships while the main fleet disposes of the enemy fleet, negating the balance.

* Romulans have now got to use a singularity station before the defense stations, can be exploited easily by targeting that station alone as it depends on the singularity station to work.

* The Nebula Class ship doesn't use pulsed weapons, as i recall it uses phasers and photon torpedoes. It's phasers also needs to be increased in damage by a little as the damage to anything is next to zilch.

* The AI on any setting only uses certain class ships instead of the whole lot when engaged on a game with unlimited resources, it also negates the balance feature, however, on a normal resource gathering game it uses all the ships oddly enough.

* Varying on racial appearance and build, crew boarding strengths should be matched to that statistic instead of 3 by 3, Romulans are weak fighters and so not really good at attacking or defending, Federation officers like Klingons are successful fighters on both fronts, however the Dominion are trained attackers but not very good defenders, the Borg are an unstoppable virulent plague like by attack and defense once threatened, and so the crew assimilation should increase by proportion to the Borg transported drones and the effectiveness on defense of the enemy, but like any biochemical or technological race, it also has weaknesses.

* Nova Class ships were designed for science missions not combat, it should be added in next to the Sabre class ship in the Antares shipyard as a frigate and should be treated as such. BTW the Nova scout is not a deep space long range vessel as stated by it's special ability, it's real purpose was for planetary survey. Additionally the tooltip has Norway class typo.

* The Steamrunner class ship is missing some phaser weapons and photon launchers and the tri-cobalt launcher should be made a special weapon, additionally the tri-cobalt torpedo itself is weak, it needs more damage addition. The shield and hull strength is very weak on the steamrunner, it should be increased.

* Because of the lack of offensive firepower and defensive ability of the defiant, the ship class should be classified a cruiser or a destroyer rather then a battleship due to the nerfing of the pulse weapons.

* The Venture scout carries ONLY one person and is armed with phasers and photons, instead of the single pulse weapon. The ship itself technically is not a scoutship but an auxillery vessel from a bigger ship, like those found on the Intrepid, Sovereign and Nova class ships on the underside of the saucer section near the deflector dish.

* The Talon Scout carries 2 people and does not have any weapons.

* The Borg scout is a tiny cube carrying only 5 drones, not cone shape with 80 crew. Unknown if it has any weapons.

* The Norexen class ship, it's actual name is Valdore Class.

* The Miranda Cruiser has had various variants and configurations, the one that is currently in FO would suggest it's the Soyez Variant due to the quantum pulse weapons and that variant was long since retired, the one seen in DS9 pilot was a command cruiser refit with sensor pods near the warp nacelles and mounted to the sides of the saucer, but even that lacked the additional refit module that was the standard torpedo bay above the rear escape pod hatches. The standard Miranda refit cruisers uses phasers and photons. Additionally the Ship should be added as a cruiser in the Antares yard as the ship is like the Excelsior the backbone of the Federation fleet.

* The Galaxy Class ship feels somewhat heavily underpowered, during the various fights the ship performed well during the operation return fight witnessed in DS9 when several galaxy battleships destroyed several rival sized ships in 1 to two volleys of phaser fire. The Galaxy class in FO seems to be too weak to be a battleship both phasers and torpedoes. In All ability the ship should easily be able to defeat an Excelsior class ship without too much trouble if it came down to such a fight. Additionally the Galaxy class ship has saucer separation ability which is missing.

* To fit with canon, and the game; a special slot for special advanced ships i would think the Prometheus would be able to fill out the role currently occupied by the fictional class Decent ship.

* Missing texture file for Borg ships entering and exiting the wormhole.

* The AI Borg construction platform is permanent and yet player construction platform is not, the net gain in resources can be high in a prolonged fight, possibly as much as 7 tactical cubes can be constructed from the amount that is built up almost 38,000 Dilithium crystals.

* Borg construction is incredibly expensive in the construction phase on any construction, ship or station.

* Borg construction ships having problems pathfinding when constructing a construction platform especially at an odd angle near a ship in construction to it's intended destination.

* Borg resource efforts for the Dilithium are scarce over a prolonged fight due to the excessive resource requirements of each ship. The compensation of the recycler station makes no big impact and the 4 special miner skills all at the same time. Not enough usage of tritanium.

* The Dodecahedron defense station is even more weaker in comparison to it's predecessor station and takes up far more room. IMO that station ability should be removed and the original turret station put back in place, the ship itself is fine but it's torpedo ability should loose a small bit of it's hit ratio on subsystems.

* AI Borg constructor able to build resource nodes while i am not allowed. Additionally the resource nodes that are placed down at random around my collector sometimes the node placing is in such a way that will not allow the collector to enter and off-load right next to a dilithium or trilithium moon.

* The new Borg station/turret also has problems firing on targets, i have had to manually click and target the enemy ship so it can shoot, i checked it's autonomy settings and by all accounts i should not need to tell it to fire at a ship, It should of done itself, the range it fires at is long and i suspect a setting in the station file is set as shoot at medium range instead of long range.

* The AI attack strategy is strange, the AI doesn't want to make up it's mind when to attack myself, it usually hangs around going and staying all the time while collecting ships. Sometimes it does attack and i don't see it happening because of that indecision of the computer.

* I noticed that my lead rank excelsior II ship was under attack and had already lost shields, my decent ship was nearby and went over the recharge the ships shields, however, the ships shield animation showed the shields were still down even though the ship status says 100% shields.

* The performance increase for the Borg explosions has had no big effect on performance as it's still causing slow down when a Borg ship explodes.

I think there are a few more bugs/glitches and whatever else, but so far that's what i found.
posted on May 10th, 2010, 5:04 pm
Last edited by Tyler on May 10th, 2010, 5:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Welcome to the site.

Federation ships and weapons seem weak because they're meant to be, they're designed for endurance rather than power. The Descent has powerful shields and can recharge the shields of any ally in range, far from useless. The Sovereign is also not underpowered.

Sensor stations detect cloaked ships, and can locate any cloaked ship on the map.

Klingons aren't new to the concept of using translated names, they translate often for the convinience of their allies.

AI Borg builds mining stations because they can't use the normal style like a Human.

Defiant lacks speed because it is a battleship, and balanced to the game. Balance before canon.

Intrepids have low crew for gameplay reasons and the Galaxy has all non-essential personnel and civilians removed for wartime. 350 is still too low, but it would be near impossible to assimilate if it was too high.

Novas are well armed and combat capable in canon. This is not a science game.

Nebula weapon are gameplay base and easily refitted. They use what the game views as best.

I agree that crew strengths should be different, but FO doesn't like that concept.

Steamrunner phasers were removed for gameplay reasons. It's artillery here.

Defiant is a battleship, regarless of weapons.

Venture Class crews are unknown, only it's minimal crew. We only saw a similar ship used by Data, who is literaly a crew by himself. The ship in the film (called the Mission Scout) wasn't named and is also smaller than the scout and was never referred to as an auxilliary craft.

We don't know anything about the talon, only it's minimal crew.

The Valdore-type has no name, FO uses what it wants.

The Miranda is out of service because of age. The Miranda-II is a completely new ship, just like the Excelsior-II.

Galaxy power is fine for an old peace battleship/explorer. A powerful bugger it may be, but it's no warship, FO considered that in its place in balance. Seperation is a useful tactical ability, but was mainly used to keep civilians and non-essentials out of battle, which makes it mostly useless here.
posted on May 10th, 2010, 5:10 pm
Last edited by Boggz on May 10th, 2010, 5:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Well laid out list, mah man!  :D

   To address your concerns overall: I've noticed that a great many of them deal with the AI and single player games against the computer.  That's fine, but a BIG part of the game in online play :).

   Balancing for multiplayer and balancing for AI games is a very difficult line to tread.  The online play right now is about as close to balanced between the 5 factions as it's ever been.  I suggest you try some online play with us on Tunngle before going TOO far with the "bugs and balance" problems.  Besides, it's SUPER fun to play against other humans :D.

   Borg AI is always hard because it cheats :).  The AI HAS to cheat because it can't strategize, think, or do many of the thigns we do naturally.  Because of that it will always seem certain ways.  When you said "doesn't register any damage" I am guessing you are fighting Borg and that the weapons are impacting on subsystems instead of the hull.  When that happens it can seem like no damage is being done because the subsystems regenerate so fast.


  A lot of your other concerns are "stylistic" ones like "Galaxy should be stronger", "Needs Saucer Seperation", and the like.  I suggest you check out THE GUIDE here:  The Main Page - The Hitchhiker's Guide to Fleet Operations

  There is a whole section on frequently asked questions that will provide you with answers to actually a lot of these concerns as I assure they've come up before ^-^.
posted on May 10th, 2010, 7:38 pm
i will step through the list consider the points :)

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