Star Trek Armada II - Requesting Modding Help & Crashing Err

happens a lot round here.
Myles wrote:my apologies for going off topic
happens a lot round here.
Apology accepted. I believe we all do that at times anyways, its just hard to get back on topic after going off it alot.
I've tried restoring the Back ups of the Trading Stations and Cargo ships from an Stock Install of the game and that too still causes a crash. I'm thinking that there is an error in a file that allows for the Tradings To begin because that icon/button is what was missing in both the Trading Stations and the Cargo ships when looking at them in the Map Editor. Does anyone know what files will have to be edited to fix this or to work around it?
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bugreport (5) Trading Station Error.txt
- (21.95 KiB) Downloaded 249 times
Here is the file that I needed to upload to MegaUpload.
MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service
Station ODF
- (4.04 KiB) Downloaded 219 times
Megadroid wrote:This one also looks Race related - check the Ferengi Cargo ships. The error occurs inside the TraderProcess, which is what the Ferengi Cargo ships use. Also the error only appearing after 1 minute fits with this - the Ferengi cargo ships spawn at about this time and immediately execute the code indicated in the crash dump.
Is there any codes that I should put into the Trading Stations or Cargo Ships to fix this or does something need to be removed from the Ferengi Cargo Ships?
Is there a file called TraderProcess that I have to locate some place in the game?
jetnova16 wrote:Is there any codes that I should put into the Trading Stations or Cargo Ships to fix this or does something need to be removed from the Ferengi Cargo Ships?
I'm not really the best ODF guy, but it would be something to do with the race="ferengi" or the actual race definition. Ferengi Cargo Ships are zfercarg I think. Ferengi trading ships work in stock, so something must have happened when the new races were added to cause the error.
jetnova16 wrote:Is there a file called TraderProcess that I have to locate some place in the game?
No, I was just looking at the bug report for that info.
Megadroid wrote:I'm not really the best ODF guy, but it would be something to do with the race="ferengi" or the actual race definition. Ferengi Cargo Ships are zfercarg I think. Ferengi trading ships work in stock, so something must have happened when the new races were added to cause the error.
No, I was just looking at the bug report for that info.
Ok, I'll look into that further.
Also, here are teh Ferengi/odf file and the Ferengi Cargo Ship odf, and a few other Ferengi Ship and station ODF files.
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- Code: Select all
// how often should we check to see if we have a valid resource?
checkValidResourceInterval = 10.0f
Megadroid wrote:Also, if you are interested the only different I could find between the two Trading Station ODFs was that the "possibly modded" version had this at the end:
- Code: Select all
// how often should we check to see if we have a valid resource?
checkValidResourceInterval = 10.0f
What file was that exactly in? Was it a race specific Trading Station, the station.odf file, or the TradingStation.odf file?
Megadroid wrote:station.odf, from the upload Station ODF
That's what I thought, I just had to be sure.
The station.odf file isn't causing other stations to crash (starbases, shipyards, research stations, planets) but could it be the cause of the Trading Stations or are you almost sure that it has something to do with the Ferengi race, and codes that go with them? Could the other files that I included in the attachments involving trading be involved (they weren't ever modded though)?
You could try adding some Ferengi ships to see if they crash the game just by being there.
Megadroid wrote:Well, it crashes when it tries to access the race of the ship. I can't be sure of whether this is to do with the Race itself, the Ship ODFs or even something else.
You could try adding some Ferengi ships to see if they crash the game just by being there.
I'll try that.
Plus the Feregi are to be one of my non-playable races, they do have a Outpost that I found that I wanted to give to them. That is part of the reason why I started that thread about non-playable vs. playable because some of the additional Ferengi units like their freighter were crashing the game. I haven't tried their Scavenger ship or their cargo ship in the Map Editor yet.
I'll try to find out later. By any chance, how do I set the Ferengi on a map as non-playable and not connected to any of the playable races at all?
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