Wireframe help

Talk about anything related to old versions of Armada.
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posted on January 8th, 2012, 2:37 pm
Last edited by SPARTAN078 on January 8th, 2012, 2:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I saw a thread that was started back in 2009, someone was helping people by making wireframes for them. If that person is still doing so please let me know so i can post the right pictures. I've tried making my own but they haven't been working. I'm playing around with the references (0 0 128 128) to try and make them work.  (Also if someone could move this topic to stock A2/Modding that would be great i don't want anyone confused. I am looking for stock A2 wireframes.)
posted on January 9th, 2012, 1:45 pm
That may have been me. :blush:  Do you want them animated with the different sections of the hull colored when disabled or would a simple picture do it?  If the former then I don't think I can help much, but I do my best in general. :thumbsup:  Making the regular picture on a transparent box is easy to do, but making the one with animated parts is pretty hard and usually requires access to the model itself.
posted on January 9th, 2012, 2:55 pm
The one that flashes only needs 5 images in a row with the parts you don't want colored black, how's that need the model?
posted on January 9th, 2012, 3:27 pm
Here is a zip file of pictures the ships for which i need wireframes. (Phalanx, Merced, Springfield, Challenger, Saratoga, Federation, Century, Soyuz, Cheyenne, Javelin). Some of them came with wireframes but they didn't work, i either got a white box or part of a ship. The Javelin is kinda small as it is a fighter so i included a close up of it. Which ever way is easiest, if i can get it looking like stock wireframes that would be great but if not thats ok too. Either way is fine though so long as i have something resembling the ship. BTW some of the other ships i have i've taken the wireframes from Ghost's comp mod and Concept future, I tried to get the wireframes from Starbase 34's Fed Compiliation mod but only the build buttons worked. Again any help is appreciated.


Needed Wireframes.zip
(229.22 KiB) Downloaded 343 times
posted on January 9th, 2012, 4:17 pm
I just realized that the Federation class is not included in the picutures so here is one.


posted on January 9th, 2012, 4:44 pm
yeah, I would bet that almost all of these are already available with wireframes.  :thumbsup:  If you follow the instructions included with these downloads to the letter, they should all work fine.

Javlin - Javelin Class Starfighter 1.0 Download, Star Trek: Armada 2 Ships

Cheyenne and Springfield - Cheyenne/New Orleans/Springfield (Wolf 359) Pack Download, Star Trek: Armada 2 Ships

Challenger - Challenger Class Download, Star Trek: Armada 2 Ships

Saratoga - Saratoga Cruiser Mk. 2 (includes p81 Sovereign) Download, Star Trek: Armada 2 Ships

Soyuz class - Soyuz Class Download, Star Trek: Armada 2 Ships

Federation Class - Federation class 2.0 Download, Star Trek: Armada 2 Ships

These you might need to use instructions from the other files to copy the wireframes over from the included gui_global.spr files.

Phalanx - Phalanx Class Download, Star Trek: Armada 2 Ships

Century -  Century Class 2.0 Download, Star Trek: Armada 2 Ships

The only one I couldn't find is the Merced which I am unfamilar with, I will need more info on it to find you a wireframe.

To me more clear, what you need to do is download all of those files, copy their wireframe textures(usually say wf somewhere in the texture name) and put the textures in your textures/rgb folder.  Then, you will either look at the instructions to find your correct refrences or copy them from the included gui_global.spr

The names of the ships in this mod may not be the same as the names of the ships in your mod so some adjustment may be necessary.  Here is an example:

Your mod calls the Javlin class fjavlin.sod but the mod up there calls it fed_javlin.sod.  When you add the sprite refrences to your Gui_global.spr

fed_javelinw1 WFfed_javelin 0 0 64 64
fed_javelinw2 WFfed_javelin 0 0 64 64
fed_javelinw3 WFfed_javelin 0 0 64 64
fed_javelinw4 WFfed_javelin 0 0 64 64
fed_javelinw5 WFfed_javelin 0 0 64 64

It does not work. What you need to do as change the name of the ship, and not the texture so it would then be.

fjavelinw1 WFfed_javelin 0 0 64 64
fjavelinw2 WFfed_javelin 0 0 64 64
fjavelinw3 WFfed_javelin 0 0 64 64
fjavelinw4 WFfed_javelin 0 0 64 64
fjavelinw5 WFfed_javelin 0 0 64 64

This would work for all your ships.  You need to make sure the first name shipw1 refers to your ship in your mod, and the next name refers to the texture you copied over. 

Once you get those all put over let me know how it goes and I"ll help fix anything this is still not working.  :blush:

As a hint though, if the texture is White, that means you have a wireframe correctly referenced, it just refers to a texture that is either non existent, or misspelled.  If the wireframe does not show up at all, it means you either don't have a refrence for the ship, or the one you have spells the name of the ship in your mod incorrectly.

Hope that helps and good luck! :thumbsup:

posted on January 9th, 2012, 4:59 pm
I did follow the wireframe instructions to the letter but they didn't work and the names matched my sod names so i don't know what else to do. The Merced is a light cruiser made with Centuar parts from Pizza the Hut. Merced class light cruiser 1.0 Download, Star Trek: Armada 2 Ships again i have followed the instructions but they still haven't worked. For the Cheynee-class though i got the wireframe from Starbase 34's Fed Comp, and with the references at 0 0 128 128 on every line it shows up but only the back of it. i.e. the engines. Also are the names case sensative?

I have another question that is totally off topic but i haven't found any answers in the Guide. Is there a way for me to be able to trade crew for latinum/metal/dithithium? like a 'cantradecrew = 1' type command. Again i looked in the guide but i couldn't find anything. i've looked in the trading odfs, Tradingstation.odf, station.odf i can't find any commands like that
posted on January 9th, 2012, 5:03 pm
Did the Wireframe texture name match the sprite entries? That's what they need to match, not the sod.
posted on January 9th, 2012, 5:07 pm
Last edited by SPARTAN078 on January 9th, 2012, 5:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
ill check that too thanks. BTW some only tell you to put one line in. Should i add the other four lines with the same names and references?
posted on January 9th, 2012, 5:10 pm
I'm afraid there is no way to trade x resource for y resource so far as I know - at least not with another player. You can of course use the limited Shipyard recycler options (dil into metal, and vice versa), but that's obviously not trading  :sweatdrop:
posted on January 9th, 2012, 5:23 pm
I just tried the Javelin and made absolutly sure everything matched up, all i got was a black box. you said earlier that a white box simply means a misspelled texture/sod name, what does a black one mean?
posted on January 9th, 2012, 5:48 pm
also some of them say to put the wireframes under @reference 128, but i have a few ships under @reference 256 and those work (excalibur and oberth). Does it matter it they go under 128 or 256?
posted on January 9th, 2012, 5:55 pm
Last edited by Tyler on January 9th, 2012, 5:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
That's the dimentions of the texture, put it under the wrong one and it won't show up correctly; put something 256x256 under @reference=128 and you'll only get the top corner in-game.

Which part of the sprite entry did the texture match; the first or second column? This is a long shot, but does the wireframe have a light map?
posted on January 9th, 2012, 6:05 pm
what do ya know...the century wireframes work now. guess i'll pay attention to that part from now on. anyway i have no idea what lightmap is and no way of knowing but can post the wireframe texture and instructions to look them over.
posted on January 9th, 2012, 7:33 pm
Most of them work now. i'm still having trouble with the Challenger, merced, Saratoga and Soyuz. the Phalanx is completely missing a wire frame period. Here are pictures of what i get even though i followed the instructions and put them under @reference 128 (which btw was the problem for most of the others.) The Javelin still just gives me a black box.


Challenger wire.jpg
Merced wire.jpg
Saratoga wire.jpg
Soyuz wire.jpg
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