Breen warship

You feel like a battlecruiser is too weak or a race too strong? Go ahead and discuss it here :)
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posted on February 16th, 2012, 7:53 am
Tryptic wrote:...and that's the last you'll hear from me, after all everything will change in the next patch.  This thread should be considered a Gentlemen's Disagreement and left to die.

Just like a Breen Battleship!  :D
posted on February 16th, 2012, 5:00 pm
Last edited by Nebula_Class_Ftw on February 16th, 2012, 5:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
*glances over balancing discussion*
The Breen Cruiser and Battleship both suffer the same problem: they are specialists that are competing with generalists, and they require tech investments.
While specialists are in theory balanced in FO, they will nearly always be inferior overall to generalists due to the enemy changing ships before your ships are even done building. The result is that you need heavy fleet mixing to sneak them in, but then you've got a slow, weak ship which will be sniped so the enemy can get some easy xp. Really, a specialist counter ship needs at least reasonable speed/defenses/cloak to be viable.
The Cruiser fails on all counts, as its cloak can't make up for it since the cloak requires research (quite a heavy investment to research for a ship that makes up less than a third of your fleet). The Battleship does at least hav the defenses, but it being in the large yard where Puretech is better-rounded makes it a bad idea to generally aim for, which puts players in the mindset to never use it.

I would like to see more Dominion players go Breen against Borg. Spheres just get owned once you get to Breen Battleships, and the Borg are the least responsive to changing fleet composition by midgame, making specialists pretty viable. Plus they aren't exactly the greatest at scouting.
posted on February 27th, 2012, 7:32 pm
The biggest downside of the Breen Battleship compared to the V13 is in my opinion that Breen torpedos do 40% less damage to stations.

I'm very curious how the different Dominion ships, especially the more suboptimal like the Breen ships, will turn out in the new patch. The Breen Cruiser I can imagine becoming an offensive ship that deals out some serious damage.
posted on February 27th, 2012, 10:17 pm
that's basically what the breen cruiser is already, a mobile torp spammer. with an offensive passive. it fits quite well as an offensive ship. then again so do several dominion ships, bomber/s2 seem quite offensive too. so there could be some interesting profiles.
posted on February 28th, 2012, 3:32 am
Of course they are offensive ships already, I meant in the sense of the offensive profile. Breen warships fit right into the defensive-ship-killing offensive profile. I'd say S2s are more all-around ships.
I'm really curious about Dominion defensive ships... not a lot ships except B-ships come to mind...
posted on February 28th, 2012, 4:26 am
Last edited by Tryptic on February 28th, 2012, 4:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
Yeah, it's weird.  Between the S2 and bomber, both seem like they would be offensive ships.  Right now the Breen Cruiser feels a bit like an avatar-replacement for the bomber, so maybe it could also remain offensive.

That leaves the Bug(Allround), C-11(Support), and B8(Defensive) for the small yard, which I think will work out just fine.  After all the S2 and Bomber are such radically different ships, I like how Dominion will choose between two offensive styles in the early game.

For the Large Yard, hmm...  I really don't know.  We have the C-17(Support) and V-13(Allround), but what would make a good offensive ship?  I believe the B-5 will be a Carrier ship rather than one of the standard designations, which just leaves the T-15 and the big ones.  An Offensive T-15 would mean very limited defense options from the Large Yard, which would be bad for a race that already has kind of fragile ships.

Perhaps a Defensive T-15 could hold a light escort role while the S-7 supports heavier fleets.  I would like to see the Breen Battleship become a long-range platform for massive Offensive firepower  :woot:
posted on February 28th, 2012, 9:10 am
t15 needs to be def imo, it's the easiest big yard ship to get to, and without it being def, then the b8 is the only def ship that dom can make in early/mid game.

breen batt could be off like the cruiser. s7 is already def, so it should stay that way.

having loads of off in the small yard and not much off in the big yard seems fine, as they balance out. the carriers do a good job attacking as it is.
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