cannon star trek ships that i would like to see later on
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posted on March 20th, 2014, 8:35 pm
hi all I am new to this forum but I love this game I was thinking that some lovely ships seen in films ant seen in this project
I was hoping you lovely ladies and gentleman can add these wonderful ships in
ships I would like to see
federation (my favourite)
.Miranda class like the USS reliant and ISS Ranger possibly buildable at lightship yard or warp in
.steam runner class don't know and famous ones but they were in star trek first contact and armada 2 and in star trek legacy
.Prometheus class alright I know this ship is deadly but it was the first scene ship besides the saber to not have a saucer
maybe a good one to put into the warp in
.all other warp in ships buildable except the decent and tutonburg plus the Rhode island refit nova and rigel type nebular
are Perfect maybe neg,va needs a bit more armour
.remen warbird this thing nearly killed the enterprise e I think it deserves a place in a true star trek strategy game
.bring species 8472 (undine) as a team please
there the only things I wish to see in future development but other wise Brilliant project Fleet ops for the win
I was hoping you lovely ladies and gentleman can add these wonderful ships in

ships I would like to see
federation (my favourite)
.Miranda class like the USS reliant and ISS Ranger possibly buildable at lightship yard or warp in
.steam runner class don't know and famous ones but they were in star trek first contact and armada 2 and in star trek legacy
.Prometheus class alright I know this ship is deadly but it was the first scene ship besides the saber to not have a saucer
maybe a good one to put into the warp in
.all other warp in ships buildable except the decent and tutonburg plus the Rhode island refit nova and rigel type nebular
are Perfect maybe neg,va needs a bit more armour

.remen warbird this thing nearly killed the enterprise e I think it deserves a place in a true star trek strategy game

.bring species 8472 (undine) as a team please
there the only things I wish to see in future development but other wise Brilliant project Fleet ops for the win
posted on March 21st, 2014, 12:21 am
Welcome to the forum.
- Miranda won't be in, they say it's too old. Apparently, building ships with modern tech without changing the exterior look is an art only the otherwise-moronic Klingons can figure out.
- Steamrunner is planned already.
- Prometheus is planned, I think as a map object.
- Negh'Var needs more armor? What it needs is veteran cannons that are actually worth a damn, the current ones are pea-shooters.
- Scimitar will be a map unit at best, never playable (the Tavara was based on it). You can't play as Remans, anyway.
- 8472 are planned as an NPC race.
posted on March 21st, 2014, 3:18 am
To elaborate, the Steamrunner was in FO, but was removed a few updates ago. It will be returning for v4, if I haven't been misinformed.
posted on March 21st, 2014, 8:32 am
Tyler wrote:Miranda won't be in, they say it's too old. Apparently, building ships with modern tech without changing the exterior look is an art only the otherwise-moronic Klingons can figure out.
Just as a point of order, the klingons don't have ships as old as the miranda built at their shipyards. the only comparable ship is the ktinga, which has to be built as a mining vessel it's so outdated. the kbq is an all new ship, just inspired by the d7/ktinga look. the fed equivalent is the miranda 2, an all new ship inspired by the miranda look.
posted on March 21st, 2014, 10:26 am
Is the K't'inga still being built? Yes. New purpose, new tech, same ship.
The Kbq it a Fleet Ops-exclusive that was completely un-needed, considering the Klingons would just build a new K't'inga with modern hull materials and tech. Just like they have been for centuries with most designs.
The Kbq it a Fleet Ops-exclusive that was completely un-needed, considering the Klingons would just build a new K't'inga with modern hull materials and tech. Just like they have been for centuries with most designs.
posted on March 21st, 2014, 10:47 am
Tyler wrote:Is the K't'inga still being built? Yes. New purpose, new tech, same ship.
not really new tech at all, as evidenced by it being incredibly weak, it's an outdated design used for a mining ship, a non combat role. it's not even meant to see combat. it can only ditch it's cargo pods to fight because that's the crazy klingon mentality. their constructor has a weapon as well, still doesn't make that an up to date combat ship. the feds also use really old tech for non combat roles such as transport and freight (eg the jenolan type still being in service in ds9).
Tyler wrote:The Kbq it a Fleet Ops-exclusive that was completely un-needed, considering the Klingons would just build a new K't'inga with modern hull materials and tech. Just like they have been for centuries with most designs.
the kbq has really grown on me, and it is very sensible. the klingons haven't used ships for "centuries". we saw the d7 in tos, then the ktinga, which is a new design with similar looks, in tmp (same time the miranda was introduced). both the miranda and ktinga made it to ds9 time and were presumably the weakest starships in those battles. both lasted roughly 1 century (2270s = tmp, dominion war in 2370s).
the only issue is with the use of the ktinga model in enterprise, but that wasn't deliberate, that was because of a massive lack of time to do anything better because of all the time/money spent on the pilot.
posted on March 21st, 2014, 7:26 pm
Myles wrote:Tyler wrote:Is the K't'inga still being built? Yes. New purpose, new tech, same ship.
not really new tech at all, as evidenced by it being incredibly weak, it's an outdated design used for a mining ship, a non combat role. it's not even meant to see combat. it can only ditch it's cargo pods to fight because that's the crazy klingon mentality. their constructor has a weapon as well, still doesn't make that an up to date combat ship. the feds also use really old tech for non combat roles such as transport and freight (eg the jenolan type still being in service in ds9).
New and strong are not the same thing, it is still being built with modern tech. They're not exactly gonna fly around with ENT-era weapons and gear on a FO-era ship...
Myles wrote:Tyler wrote:The Kbq it a Fleet Ops-exclusive that was completely un-needed, considering the Klingons would just build a new K't'inga with modern hull materials and tech. Just like they have been for centuries with most designs.
the kbq has really grown on me, and it is very sensible. the klingons haven't used ships for "centuries". we saw the d7 in tos, then the ktinga, which is a new design with similar looks, in tmp (same time the miranda was introduced). both the miranda and ktinga made it to ds9 time and were presumably the weakest starships in those battles. both lasted roughly 1 century (2270s = tmp, dominion war in 2370s).
the only issue is with the use of the ktinga model in enterprise, but that wasn't deliberate, that was because of a massive lack of time to do anything better because of all the time/money spent on the pilot.
Slight exagerration, I'll admit. It has still been around long enough to show they don't replace them with pointless substitutes like Starfleet does. Building pointless new designs with new looks and names when only new tech is needed usually seems to be mainly a Starfleet-thing, most others seem to just build more advanced versions of what they already have (when tech is out of date, just build the next batch with new stuff in). Complete designs seem a lot rarer for others.
Humans seem to get bored of the ships fast and keep mixing things with a new style at a rate no-one else does, like starship fashion trends.
posted on March 21st, 2014, 7:42 pm
Welcome to FleetOps! Most of your answers are already in the map editor or in the apocrypha section of the guide.

blackdefiant wrote:federation (my favourite)
.Miranda class like the USS reliant and ISS Ranger possibly buildable at lightship yard or warp in Will eventually be added as a map unit with the possibility of showing up(w/other 23rd century fed ships) in a campaign mission.
.Steamrunner class don't know and famous ones but they were in star trek first contact and armada 2 and in star trek legacy Its still in the game its only been removed from warpin for a role change. You can build it but you just have to find it.
.Prometheus class alright I know this ship is deadly but it was the first seen ship besides the saber to not have a saucer
maybe a good one to put into the warp in It too is ingame but not buildable in any way, only placeable. The devs haven't given us a 100% yes or no whether it will ever serve any real purpose ingame other than the eventual storyline.
.all other warp in ships buildable except the decent and teutoburg plus the Rhode island refit nova and rigel type nebula Find the Steamrunner and you'll find the rest.
.remen warbird this thing nearly killed the enterprise e I think it deserves a place in a true star trek strategy gameWhen it is added to the game it will be the same way as the Prometheus, map/mission specific only.
.bring species 8472 (undine) as a team please I wouldn't count on it since the similar insect like Noxter from a series of Trek novels will be taking their place instead.
posted on March 21st, 2014, 7:54 pm
Tyler wrote:New and strong are not the same thing, it is still being built with modern tech. They're not exactly gonna fly around with ENT-era weapons and gear on a FO-era ship...
except the ktinga isn't a ent-era ship. the appearance of the ktinga model in enterprise was a production error, made by the producers because they made stupid demands of tired vfx staff who were overworked from the pilot. it wasn't identified as a ktinga in the script.
Tyler wrote:Slight exagerration, I'll admit. It has still been around long enough to show they don't replace them with pointless substitutes like Starfleet does. Building pointless new designs with new looks and names when only new tech is needed usually seems to be mainly a Starfleet-thing, most others seem to just build more advanced versions of what they already have (when tech is out of date, just build the next batch with new stuff in). Complete designs seem a lot rarer for others.
Humans seem to get bored of the ships fast and keep mixing things with a new style at a rate no-one else does, like starship fashion trends.
i'll admit that starfleet does tend to build lots of designs, but part of that is because we just see more of their designs as star trek has starfleet as the good guys. there's rarely money for diverse alien fleets. also we tend not to see some races over different eras. eg the cardassians were only ever seen in tng era. the romulans were seen in ent/tos and tng, but not tmp era.
the romulans did replace their ships as well. the dderidex and galaxy were replaced by the valdore type and sovereign respectively.
the klingons in tng era went from ktinga, to vorcha, to neghvar all in one era.
neither the ktinga nor miranda have been shown to extend across more than 2 eras. both went from tmp to tng. no ship has gone further.
posted on March 22nd, 2014, 8:16 am
If we're talking Federation ships, I wouldn't mind seeing the Wolf 359 family, aka New Orleans, Cheyenne etc
Great to hear the ugly duckling aka Steamrunner will be coming back in. Always been fond of the design myself.
Great to hear the ugly duckling aka Steamrunner will be coming back in. Always been fond of the design myself.
posted on March 22nd, 2014, 9:40 am
Majestic wrote:If we're talking Federation ships, I wouldn't mind seeing the Wolf 359 family, aka New Orleans, Cheyenne etc
Great to hear the ugly duckling aka Steamrunner will be coming back in. Always been fond of the design myself.
agree with everything you said here. wouldn't want to see all of them, as not all ship designs last as long as the excel/miranda/ktinga. but new orleans and cheyenne are the perfect contenders for a rare-medium warpin.
posted on March 22nd, 2014, 7:10 pm
id like to see the freedom class (think im the only one who actually likes it) and the typhoon to be completed (im sure ive saw it as a file somewere) but pretty much any cannon ship for the current playable races plus cardassians (i know there planned as a npc race but still would like to see them in) oh and the Son'ar (possibly for dominion)
posted on March 22nd, 2014, 10:57 pm
Blade wrote:id like to see the freedom class (think im the only one who actually likes it) and the typhoon to be completed (im sure ive saw it as a file somewere) but pretty much any cannon ship for the current playable races plus cardassians (i know there planned as a npc race but still would like to see them in) oh and the Son'ar (possibly for dominion)
I love the Cardassians and the Sona and so I would love to see them added as well

posted on March 22nd, 2014, 11:19 pm
Please please please, sorry my OCD is flaring. It's "canon" not cannon.
Now, with that out of the way
Son'a would indeed be brilliant. That was one of my favourite missions on the original Armada (that and the one where you were the Romulans fighting the Ferengi and Cardassians)
Now, with that out of the way

Son'a would indeed be brilliant. That was one of my favourite missions on the original Armada (that and the one where you were the Romulans fighting the Ferengi and Cardassians)
posted on March 23rd, 2014, 6:25 am
Majestic wrote:Blade wrote:id like to see the freedom class (think im the only one who actually likes it) and the typhoon to be completed (im sure ive saw it as a file somewere) but pretty much any cannon ship for the current playable races plus cardassians (i know there planned as a npc race but still would like to see them in) oh and the Son'ar (possibly for dominion)
I love the Cardassians and the Sona and so I would love to see them added as well
It's funny you should mention that...
Now that I'm finished with the bulk of the work creating Tryptic's Mod, I'm looking at maybe working on a Cardassian mod along with 1337 64M3R and possibly a few others from the community. One thing that would make or break the project is whether we can get permission to use some of the ship models out there (we haven't had any trouble finding them so far, just finding the people who made them) Do you happen to know any of the modelers from the other websites you frequent?
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