cannon star trek ships that i would like to see later on

You feel like a battlecruiser is too weak or a race too strong? Go ahead and discuss it here :)
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posted on March 23rd, 2014, 7:55 am
Squire James wrote:Please please please, sorry my OCD is flaring. It's "canon" not cannon.

sorry there both correct spellings one just happens to be a law thing and one a weapon (spell check would not pick that up)


Tryptic wrote:Now that I'm finished with the bulk of the work creating Tryptic's Mod, I'm looking at maybe working on a Cardassian mod along with 1337 64M3R and possibly a few others from the community. One thing that would make or break the project is whether we can get permission to use some of the ship models out there (we haven't had any trouble finding them so far, just finding the people who made them) Do you happen to know any of the modelers from the other websites you frequent?

dan1025 has made some nice shis/stations ... Race;99274 ... ack;100554
posted on March 23rd, 2014, 10:04 am
Tryptic wrote:
Majestic wrote:
Blade wrote:id like to see the freedom class (think im the only one who actually likes it) and the typhoon to be completed (im sure ive saw it as a file somewere) but pretty much any cannon ship for the current playable races plus cardassians (i know there planned as a npc race but still would like to see them in) oh and the Son'ar (possibly for dominion)

I love the Cardassians and the Sona and so I would love to see them added as well :D

It's funny you should mention that...

Now that I'm finished with the bulk of the work creating Tryptic's Mod, I'm looking at maybe working on a Cardassian mod along with 1337 64M3R and possibly a few others from the community. One thing that would make or break the project is whether we can get permission to use some of the ship models out there (we haven't had any trouble finding them so far, just finding the people who made them) Do you happen to know any of the modelers from the other websites you frequent?

I did a whole 2 race Cardassian release (Cardassian Union and Cardassian Republic) called Clash of Empires back a couple of years ago. Unfortunately I don't allow my work to be released outside my site.

Best alternatives are Dan1025's Cardassians, available both on my site and Armada 2 files. Achillies and Aad Moerman also have both released a number of good quality models on Armada 2 files as well. Though would be my recommendations. I haven't heard from Dan from any of the three sites we are both members of (A2Files, MSFC and DeviantART) for quite sometime. Emailing him would be the best way to get in contact with him. Achilles and Aad you could probably get a hold of either via email or the Filefront forums.
posted on March 23rd, 2014, 5:15 pm
In furtherance of what Majestic stated, and I won't speak for Aad, but I'm sure he won't have issue with you using his work and he is generally easy to contact by PM over at File Front for seeking permissions.

As for Achilles, unless otherwise stated all his work is free use and he even states others can edit his models/textures all as long a proper credit is given. All stated in his readme's
posted on March 24th, 2014, 7:29 am
I also forgot to mention Ash has released some Cardassians as well on Armada2Files. They come from his Zero Hour project that he cancelled. I really like his Hendor class, quite a few good designs in there. A combination of Ash's, Aad Moerman's, Achilles and Dan's should have more than enough of what you'll need.

Out of curiosity I went back through my old files to see what they were like and to be honest they are junk. A bit of an embarrassment to be honest. They were done at a time before I had learnt to texture and I used modified versions of WickedZombie's textures and made the models fix them. A lot of texture stretching and out of scaled parts. The stations used Aad Moerman's Cardassian station textures and they aren't too bad I suppose but I could do a lot better today. In fact COE was my last stock A2 project before I moved onto FO.

I uploaded them to DeviantART to show you how bad they really are:

For a comparrasion here is my Coalition War work:
And my Yesteryears work:
posted on March 24th, 2014, 7:57 am
nice ent and tle fleets
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