Announcement: New Ships And Special Abilities

Which race do you like most? What do you like - what you don't like? Discuss it here.
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posted on October 30th, 2003, 11:46 am
You may have read in some posts here in the forums that there won't be new ships or stations for the "finished" races like the Federation, the Borg or the Klingon Empire.
To fullfill the wish of many fans we made up a new (and hopefully final) balancing system, which will allows us to add new ships and stations for the existing races.

In Beta3 you can expect the first of these new units for the existing races. They will find their way in the game through the "avatars".
The Avatars are a new feature of Beta3. You select an Avatar - someone you want to support - at gamestart, and this modifies your techtree, applies overall bonuses and grant's new units, which a player of the same race, but a different avatar does not have.
(For example if you choose Admiral Mayson as your avatar for the Federation you can build a Torpedo Defence Platform, all your stations are build faster and many more changes..)

There also will be several new special abilities for all of the existing races.
Every race can access a few so called "support vessels". These support vessels have a initial special ability (which needn't to be researched) and can be upgraded twice to gain new special abilities.
(For example the Canaveral Class, one of the Federation Support Vessels, can initialy use the Probes special ability. After the first upgrade it can use a Tachion Scan, too and after the last upgrade it can access the quite powerfull Sensor Blackout ability)

There also will be several modifications and rebalancings of the existing vessels to underline their role as short / medium / long range vessels.

We hope that this will bring us one step nearer to the goal of a interesting, exiting and varietal Star Trek experience.
posted on October 30th, 2003, 12:36 pm
Admiral Time :) Whens beta 3 due?

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posted on October 30th, 2003, 2:07 pm
nice can't wait keep up the good work
posted on October 30th, 2003, 4:38 pm
That it is for sure. Good work
posted on October 30th, 2003, 8:11 pm

Must have Beta 3.
posted on October 30th, 2003, 8:16 pm
hehe, if its anything like the wait for beta 2...
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posted on October 30th, 2003, 9:35 pm
Long long ago, a cow on Earth was hit by some radioactive debris from the Romulan Wars. This cow was secretly transplanted to another planet in the heart of the Romulan Star Empire. Now, the cows are rising up and joining the Romulans against those who left them long long ago....

humm nice sig urm have they set a date???
posted on October 31st, 2003, 2:00 am
I prefered his "evil romulan ducky" Title.
posted on November 2nd, 2003, 7:30 pm
Give it to me!!! :wub:

Can't wait to test it or play it, yeah, i wanna have Admiral Janeway and please a member of section 31 with real cool features :) Please, please, please, hehe :borg:
posted on November 2nd, 2003, 8:03 pm
the two federation admirals for beta3 will be Admiral Ben Mayson and Fleet Admiral Jane Risner.
In the final there will be 4 admirals for each race, including Special Agent Lewitt, from the Star Fleet Intelligence, which has some 'uncommon' weapons two. perhaps there will be janeway or someone from section 31, but section 31 is ment to be a NP race
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posted on November 2nd, 2003, 8:17 pm
urm what do the two b3 admirals do???
posted on November 2nd, 2003, 8:22 pm
the modifications they bring are not final, so i won't state them here know :) but booth of them, like every admiral, will give 2 new units to the race
posted on November 2nd, 2003, 9:02 pm
Last edited by Lt.Cdr.White on November 2nd, 2003, 9:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Why not using famous Admirals from the series?

Admiral Hayes (the grey-haired man from First Contact)

Admiral Nechayev (the blonde woman from TNG)

Or did you take your names from actual episodes already?
posted on November 3rd, 2003, 9:03 am
Well, the persons we choosed for the Federation Admirals don't appear in the series, but are key characters of the Fleet Operations storyline (which will perhaps be realised with the single player campaign in the final version).
But you are right, i'm thinking about renaming the admirals for the multiplayer mode, so let's say, what admiral mayson does in the singleplayer mode, does another one (from the series) in multiplayer.
posted on November 3rd, 2003, 4:56 pm
Perfect! :D
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