Announcement: New Ships And Special Abilities

Which race do you like most? What do you like - what you don't like? Discuss it here.
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posted on November 3rd, 2003, 7:40 pm
humm it's seeming increaseingly more likely theres going to be a singal player, i have noticed something you two must be the most presured and hard woking modders out there you have a fourm which has people like me asking for stuff when your not making stuff your fixing them and when your not doing that your eating sleeping and drinking. i really appreciate this thanks.
posted on November 3rd, 2003, 9:12 pm
What kind of avatars will there be for other races, like the Klingons, Romulans or Borg?
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posted on November 3rd, 2003, 9:14 pm
i think they will be things like house leaders talshera ppl and alcoves
posted on November 3rd, 2003, 9:47 pm
yep. the romulans will have similar persons like the federation (well admirals, generals (from the tal shiar and the romulan military, like sela).
The klingons will most likly be able to chose a house to support, for example the house of duras..
the borg can decide between directives, like assimilate.
the noxter can chose between theor "mothers" and their genetic families.
posted on November 3rd, 2003, 11:14 pm
What about like say if you chose a certain avatar you get like an extra 3 credits, like in the borg say an avatar is Reserch.
posted on November 4th, 2003, 9:00 am
Wow cts, PLEASE choose an other avatar in this board, I get real pain in my eyes if I see it :mad:
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posted on November 4th, 2003, 4:00 pm
the noxter can chose between theor "mothers" and their genetic families.

lol if only we could do that!
posted on November 4th, 2003, 4:21 pm
yep, this with the credits for an admiral is a intersting idea
posted on November 4th, 2003, 4:57 pm
Last edited by cts006 on November 4th, 2003, 4:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
dood, one Newbie complaining wont chnage my avatar :P :P :P :P :P :devil: :devil: :badgrin: :badgrin: :rofl: and teh credits with the admiral does look good, and also there should be a way to get rid of technowldedgies that use credits to get a new tech for it, if there is than an easier way.
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posted on November 4th, 2003, 8:04 pm
HEY tht sig ids not very nice i posts the most but i don't one word post any more :D
posted on November 4th, 2003, 8:23 pm
I like that signature. :D
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posted on November 4th, 2003, 8:27 pm
Stop it! the only fourm i belong to is trying to quite me, wel it won't work i will type and type till the fourm closes (or they change there domain and don't tell me! (plz don't do that!))
posted on November 4th, 2003, 8:30 pm
Hey, jokes are made for laughing...

We didn't want to frighten you! ;)
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posted on November 4th, 2003, 8:31 pm
i know it's a joke but you know
posted on November 5th, 2003, 1:01 am
after the wait for beta 2... :)
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