posted on February 14th, 2011, 6:03 pm
Well, being the newby to fleet ops that i am (i've only been playing since 3.0.3 i think, and only 3 months on the site) i decided to do a little fleet ops history. So for the last week instead of playing 3.15 i downloand and have been playing beta 2. and in one word- WOW, i was impressed by the beta 2 gamplay features and depth, in detail heres what i liked and disliked about it ///

AWESOME, just plain awesome. if thats the beta 2 noxter gameplay i can't wait for their return to the current verson. i really like the way they incorparated Melee attacks into the game,(Claws, stingers,) And the spore shock wave weapons. DIGEST ME Please.
2. The Breen Battleship


It was really sad to find out that we are still using the beta 2 model in the current verson(Back then it looked great) although my pain was relieved when i saw the battleship on the todo list

3.The Splash screen


In short i thought it was pretty cool to have the faction symbol on start up, and since have been trying to port it to 3.15
4. Descent class


I have never seen a better example of pure resourcefullness in gaming
5. Avatars

Final Word: Awesome

for anyone that hasn't been playing for that long i definately recomend playing it for the purly historical value(and the noxter) it'll also give you damm good since of respect for the current verson. considering how far the mod has come.