borg Ai and cubes

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posted on March 15th, 2012, 6:11 pm
beserene wrote:Hm, tried your settings Crisis.

Turtled myself up, went to bed. This morning i couldn't see a single cube out, neither was there anything higher than a sphere.
No diamond, no cube.

Is it maybe not working on every map, or is my AI just plain stupid?

It might be map based, larger maps tend to be better. Also try multiple borgs on a team vs multiple yous on a team.

godsvoice wrote:oh right right right

i can see sliding all the ai bars to the far hard side instead of easy would work.

well there we go.

with ai build cost and ai build time to zero... makes sense

but how would you at all ever survive anything

cheating and giving yourself 10000 10000 but still.

anyways, getting an actual game in with borg mercy without that might still be something to try and work out if possible by devs.

Go back and do step one again, i said game options not advanced options. Game Options are under your main Menu.

You cannot cheat in anyway. that will tip the ballence of power in your favor and terminate the ai rule set thats being drawn from. NO build time modyfiers at all. on top of that, be nice to the ai the first 30 minutes.
posted on April 4th, 2012, 1:35 pm
Sorry mein Englisch ist nicht gut

Ich habe das gleiche gemerkt, dass es kaum bis gar keine Kuben gebaut werden.

Gibt es eine Möglichkeit die techdatei zu ändern, so dass die KI praktisch nur Kuben bauen kann ?, oder ähnliches ?

Oder ist es möglich in die KI einzugeben dass er von den kleineren Schiffen einfach sehr viel weniger bauen soll!?
posted on April 4th, 2012, 2:58 pm
Yes, you can edit the borg_instant_action_build_list.aip file in the AIPs folder of Fleet Operations :). Just change desired entries to the cube configuration that you want  :thumbsup:

Lots of English I'm afraid... ... ence  :pinch:
posted on April 4th, 2012, 5:59 pm
ok i can try, a littel bit i understand englsih  :borg:

thise file is not so big, that is good  ^-^

Its shame that the german translate not work with the new patch, i have copy the 2 files but many rates are not work or still in english.

a instructions what i have to do you not want to make for us, or ?  :innocent: :whistling: B) :rolleyes: :woot: :blush: :lol: :D
posted on April 4th, 2012, 6:02 pm
What AI Files are safe to modify without damaging the multiplayer validation? Because when I did I couldn't play multiplayer.  :sweatdrop:
posted on April 4th, 2012, 9:47 pm
None are safe to my knowledge :)

I cannot really make the instructions much simpler than are what on that page I'm afraid:

You'll see entries like this:

    "fed_intrepid",            3, // Build 3 Intrepids
    "fed_defiant",              2, // Then build 2 Defiants

Simply replace the quoted units with those that you desire to have built by the AI.
posted on April 7th, 2012, 6:25 pm
Just had an AI game where I got cube Spamed the other day.  I created a battle on the Blue Amber map with me and a hard A.I. for each race.

I had 5 fleets of 30 ships each was ready to go on a sweep then this borg hard A.I. starts storming in with FLEETS of cubes.  :borg:

The A.I. does build late game ships if you give them the chance to do so the worst designed A.I. i've sceen ironicaly is the federation one.

Fed A.I. always seems to get beaten buy the A.I. of other races.
posted on April 7th, 2012, 7:31 pm
my attack:)


posted on April 7th, 2012, 7:34 pm
We need more station assimilation...
posted on April 8th, 2012, 1:17 am
Cronicus wrote:Just had an AI game where I got cube Spamed the other day.  I created a battle on the Blue Amber map with me and a hard A.I. for each race.

I had 5 fleets of 30 ships each was ready to go on a sweep then this borg hard A.I. starts storming in with FLEETS of cubes.  :borg:

The A.I. does build late game ships if you give them the chance to do so the worst designed A.I. i've sceen ironicaly is the federation one.

Fed A.I. always seems to get beaten buy the A.I. of other races.

Agreed about the Federation part was the game on hard and the ai on merc, when you got cube stomped.
posted on April 8th, 2012, 4:49 am
No I had 4 Hard A.I. Each running Klingon, dominion, Romulan and Borg on the blue Amber map.  I set myself up in the left corner and like I said was about to go out and sweep with something like 150 federation ships.

Then wave after wave of Borg ships Cubes, Tactical Cubes pyramids, diamonds, spheres, dodes you name it and it was thrown in.

I beat back that wave then another one came right in!
posted on April 19th, 2012, 11:15 am
I still can not figure out how to get the computer to build cubes, do most sophisticated computer and still do not. Resources are normal. Tell me about the points you need. I like stupid T_T  :crybaby: :crybaby:

And I'm sorry for my english ^ ^  :sweatdrop:
posted on April 19th, 2012, 7:59 pm
they will build them if you leave them alone for long enough, try playing the 8 player map "nevarna 2" and give them an ally so it takes off some of the heat for them.
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