Cardassian by Comparison

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posted on January 6th, 2010, 1:45 am
So since the Cardassian's are not a playable race at the moment (nor can their ships be placed yet), I was curious to know people's thoughts on how powerful the Cardy ships should be in the FleetOps Universe.

  Last time I was modding was for Armada 1 in probably 2000 and 2001.  I recall that I had added the Cardy's into the game in some capacity, but I was really not too clued in to ANYthing that had happened in DS9 :D.  Somehow when I was growing up I really stayed away from it.  Thus I think I made them a little stronger than they should have been.

  In Fleetops it seems to me that a Galor Class would be no match for a Galaxy Class or a Vorcha but is significantly more powerful than a destroyer such as a B'rel or a Bug.  It seems to me that a Galor would be a good candidate for a light Cruiser status much like the S-2, the K'vort, or the Excelsior I.  A nicely versatile and hardy vessel with decent speed and decent stats that can serve as a backbone for a Cardassian Fleet.

  My reasoning for this comes from TNG: "The Wounded" where we see a Galor pale in comparison to the Enterprise and be easily overpowered by the Phoenix later on (I'm assuming that vessel was a Galor).  In DS9 the Galor's are generally filmed as being less maneuverable but more powerful.  On the other hand we see the Galaxy wings in Sacrifice of Angels lay waste to them as well as Galor's blasting away Breen Battleships when they turn on the Dominion later on in the series.

  The Hideki has appeared to me now as more of a mid-sized destroyer.  We rarely see them fight in battle but saw them sent after the Fed fighters in Sacrifice of Angels.  They don't seem to have the same handling as something like the Defiant Class or B'rel, but we do see them in combat when the Dominion strikes DS9.  My inclination says to me that it has around the stats of a Monsoon (14-18 for Risner, 14/21 for Mayson).  A higher overall value than a B'rel seems normal to me but perhaps less specialized.

  The Keldon I have not actually seen in combat.  The only actual time I've seen it in action is when the Defiant owns one of them (I think the episode where Tom Riker bones it).  However I'm always inclined to believe that it lies somewhere between a Nebula Class and a Galaxy Class.  Perhaps even right up there with the Galaxy itself.
posted on January 6th, 2010, 1:56 am
I would say the hideki is simply a fighter, but other then that I think your close.

a keldon would defenitly be equal with a galaxy in my opionion. and maby 2 or 3 galors would come close to a galaxy, but galors have had such a varity of power throught shows that mabey there are diffrent kinds or they have been updated as new tech came out.
posted on January 6th, 2010, 2:58 am
Using Fleet Operations as a comparison I've usually stuck by the thought that a Hideki is around the power of a K't'inga, a Galor around that of an Excelsior War Refit, and a Keldon almost on par with a Galaxy (perhaps just about the same strength as a Nebula) - as it is a refitted Galor.
posted on January 6th, 2010, 3:10 am
Didn't we see Galors become more powerful during the dominion war?  They were able to one shot a lot of breen and dominion ships when they turned on the Dominion.  I also remember star trek saying things like "It's a Galor class, type-III", which was top of the line in TNG.  So I'm wondering if they simply use the same chassis over and over, but upgrade their ships, or their new types of galors are more powerful.  In the last episodes of DS9 they've definitely come along way from being taken out by shieldless nebula class ships. :P
posted on January 6th, 2010, 3:13 am
Probably true, but I think that was more a send off for the whole "good-guys ships kick bad guys ass" deal ... as we only saw that in the episodes where they turned on the Dominion... before that it was the "aww shucks, our ships are made of swiss cheese, and here come the Fedrats (as DarthThanatos would say I think)!"  :whistling:
posted on January 6th, 2010, 3:19 am
I justify the Galor-smackdown this way.  The cardies, having been a major part of the alliance (even having the fleet based in their space) knew the strengths and weaknesses of the Dominion and Breen vessels.  So they were placing their shots exactly where they needed to go in order to maximize damage.

Another reason people hate turncoats.  They know your secrets, and are now working against you.
posted on January 6th, 2010, 3:28 am

  I figure the Cardies laid waste to the Breen and Jem'Hadar ships in the last battle there because it would have been a pretty lame climax if they turned to the Fed's and subsequently got railed by clearly more powerful vessels  :lol:.

  Funny about how the Galor really does kind of adjust it's power to match the needs of whatever episode they were written into.
posted on January 6th, 2010, 3:30 am
Yeah, I thought they had done more damage than that.  I just watched all the major dominion war battles, and they don't really do anything until the end.

And I hadn't realized just how much stock footage was reused. ???  It's funny that die hard star trek fans consider these battles so "epic", and its just recycled material from the last episode you saw! :D
I mean, if you're going to reuse footage, don't use the same shot where two flanking mirandas bite it on either side of the Defiant. :blush:
posted on January 6th, 2010, 3:36 am
Mal wrote:I mean, if you're going to reuse footage, don't use the same shot where two flanking mirandas bite it on either side of the Defiant. :blush:

  Right?  That was a pretty distinct cap in those Miranda's asses right there.  We all know that shot from Sacrifice so well that they really shouldn't have re-used it.
posted on January 6th, 2010, 3:40 am
Boggz wrote:  Right?  That was a pretty distinct cap in those Miranda's asses right there.  We all know that shot from Sacrifice so well that they really shouldn't have re-used it.

maby they thought we liked it sooo much that we would like to see it again  :woot:
posted on January 6th, 2010, 3:48 am
Yep, that's what was going through Rick's mind when he gave the go ahead.  "Those DS9 fans are so smart and wonderful, they would love to see us be cheap bastards and reuse old footage.  Why be creative and make even better battle scenes that will top what we've done!?" :whistling:

Oh, and all the bug ramming is reused.  And a bunch of other stuff, as well.  Maybe they should have saved time and stuck the entire SoA fight scene unedited, and the Defiant has to "break through the lines" to Cardassia Prime for some reason.  They could have just had the actors come in and dub over their lines. :thumbsup:

I should be in Hollywood! :woot:
posted on January 6th, 2010, 5:48 am
...I can't believe we remember this over episodes like "The Drumhead"  :whistling: . Yeah for fancy CGI!
posted on January 6th, 2010, 7:48 am
I invoke the memory of Encounter at Farpoint, in retaliation!

Beardless Riker!  Miniskirt Troi!  Q!
posted on January 6th, 2010, 8:29 am
Last edited by Snapshot_9 on January 6th, 2010, 8:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
silent93 wrote:I invoke the memory of Encounter at Farpoint, in retaliation!

Beardless Riker!  Miniskirt Troi!  Q!

Dear god what have you done. :shifty:

I always assumed the Galor has similar phasers to the feds but we constantly see torpedos going though their shields, mabye feds have better shields and torps.

As i remember the conflict with the cardassians was a full scale war for the cardies but only seen as a border skirmish for the feds.

And dont go quoting 'The Wounded' when the admiral said they werent ready for a war :blush:... we all know that was 'post' Wolf 359 and the feds were still rebuilding. :borg:
posted on January 6th, 2010, 2:56 pm
Last edited by Tyler on January 6th, 2010, 3:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
shadow651 wrote:a keldon would defenitly be equal with a galaxy in my opionion. and maby 2 or 3 galors would come close to a galaxy,

I doubt 1 Keldon could; the Galaxy is a Battleship, the Keldon is a Cruiser (Memory Alpha). A Keldon should fall slightly short of a Galaxy.

This thread reminds me of the Valiant, specifically that the trained crew were even worse than Red Squad.
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