Erik Pressman and the Holy Grail (of cloaking)

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posted on June 15th, 2009, 9:13 pm
So I've been wondering, since FO takes place in an alternate time (details unspecified) but there is conflict with the Romulans, why wouldn't the UFP take advantage of its research on interphasic cloaking devices? It would make a pretty good veterancy skill. Thoughts?
posted on June 15th, 2009, 10:27 pm
alternate timeline, not mirror universe

the timeline splits during voyager, so the federation is still the same as it would've been. same "morals" and all that, same treaty of algeron.
posted on June 15th, 2009, 10:32 pm
The Treaty of Algeron was a Peace Treaty, and as a condition for peace the romulans demanded that the federation doesn´t use cloaking. Since in FO they seem to be at war it doesn´t make sense to honor those treaty. BUT it is still not federation style.
posted on June 15th, 2009, 10:46 pm
Would be cool for a rogue avatar that got the oberth or nova as scouts/destoryer for an officer/veteran ability.
posted on June 15th, 2009, 10:49 pm
I don't think they are at war: I think there is a sort of uneasy truce between the Feds/Klingons and the Romulan/Ciadan
posted on June 15th, 2009, 11:06 pm
Interphase tech isn't banned by the Treaty of Algernon in the same way that the USS Incursion's Holographic Masking System isn't. If you consider the game Bridge Commander when they had the phasing torpedoes, they explain in the manual it may be against the spirit but not the letter of the treaty of Algernon. I spend a lot of time reading treaties, and studying politics (occupational hazard) its ALL about the letter of the law. As for being against the "morals" look at Sisko getting the Romulans into the war, utilitarian concerns do override the morals sometimes. 

@ Atlantis: Yea i know, and the USS Pegasus was is the main timeline well before the voyager time period split.

@Unleash: I'm not sure that that is the best idea... I think the fact it was tested on the Pegasus, which was also the Galaxy classes warp drive test vehicle implies that it was designed and meant to be used on bigger ships.

@Noctis: What is that based on? Im still newish enough here to ask a noob ass question like, where are the plot hints? 
posted on June 15th, 2009, 11:11 pm
I think if we had ships as big as the Galaxy phase cloaking through asteroid belts, Federation would be unbeatable on certain maps. (Nirvana II anyone?)
posted on June 15th, 2009, 11:12 pm
That's part of the FO storyline ;)

Eventually I figure I'll compile a list of info on Ciadan, Noxter, and Iconian (and the rest) that has been posted by Doca, Detektor, and Optec... but for now the Search feature works for me :)
posted on June 17th, 2009, 8:20 pm
HawkShark wrote:@ Atlantis: Yea i know, and the USS Pegasus was is the main timeline well before the voyager time period split.

Seem to be missing my point and correcting me for something I didn't say.

Yes the Pegasus was in the main timeline. But it was a one off with a rogue admiral, and it got the Federation in some deep trouble with the Romulans. That wasn't what I was talking about. I was saying that the Federation's style would still be the same, because the timeline split during Voyager, not during a much earlier time when it might make a difference to the FlOps time period (like the "mirror universe" split point).

It does make sense that as the Feds are at war, they wouldn't honour the Treaty of Algeron, but it would mean making them too "non-canon" to put cloaks on their ships. Even phase cloaks. The Pegasus was a one-off; how about lets leave it that way.
posted on June 17th, 2009, 8:26 pm
Even if the Federation did use cloaks, I doubt they would ever make full use of them. Mainly patrol ships and scouts. Section 31, however, would not act quite like the regular Federation.
posted on June 17th, 2009, 8:56 pm
Dominus_Noctis wrote:That's part of the FO storyline ;)

Eventually I figure I'll compile a list of info on Ciadan, Noxter, and Iconian (and the rest) that has been posted by Doca, Detektor, and Optec... but for now the Search feature works for me :)

The search feature obviously doesn't tell you which topic you are posting in. :P
posted on June 17th, 2009, 9:59 pm
Hehe of course: but the thread was mentioning that the Feds are at war... and I don't think Optec ever had them at war (but hey, I could and probably am wrong).  :blush:
posted on June 17th, 2009, 11:14 pm
@ Atlantis: I think you're giving the UFP too much credit. Sisko lied, cheated and mudered to bring the Romulans into the war. The Federation will sacrifice some of its ideals if they need to survive. They won't Genesis Device Populated worlds, they wont manipulate time Krenim style, they wont endanger the universe, but they will do whats needed. Look at the Dominion war alone, they used cloaked mines. And Sisko violated even the secret amendment (the one granting the defiant the cloak) to the treaty of Algernon all the time. They used that cloak in the Alpha quadrant several times, in direct contravention to the amended treaty. But thats all beside the point.

Interphase tech isn't banned by the Treaty of Algernon in the same way that the USS Incursion's Holographic Masking System isn't. If you consider the game Bridge Commander when they had the phasing torpedoes, they explain in the manual it may be against the spirit but not the letter of the treaty of Algernon. I spend a lot of time reading treaties, and studying politics (occupational hazard) its ALL about the letter of the law.

Pressman wasn't alone in making the thing work, thats naive. One man can't develop an advanced and incredibly dangerous technology all alone. It was working, so i really doubt that was also the first trial. Riker in the ep even points out that the whole thing was covered up my Starfleet intelligence, which to me screams they were at least partially involved. Pressman strongly implied that there were several important people in the Intelligence organization who were involved in the cloaking device project, including the Chief of Starfleet Intelligence herself (if you read the books, Uhura).

To be clearer, what i suggest is adding a ship for a 3rd avatar, who is SF Intel related, and his unique ship when made lvl6 gets an interphase cloak, and at lvl 5 gets Interphase torpedos (ala Bridge Commander).
posted on June 17th, 2009, 11:17 pm
I think Optec had a post ages ago where he actually has a third avatar planned that will use subterfuge because the avatar is head of Starfleet Intelligence stuff...  :shifty:

So be wary... cuz it might be coming!  :woot:
posted on June 18th, 2009, 12:21 am
Umm, so when are we bringin in the Galaxy X with cloak and huge phaser cannon??? :P
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