Fed warp-ins

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posted on January 22nd, 2011, 2:35 am
ive been playing FO v 3.1.5 for a few days now and heard that the warp-in ability gave fed players a variety of ships from previous games and shows but ive only gotten- the descent class, galaxy class, steamrunner class, excelsior class, and ambassador class. what other ones are there if any?
posted on January 22nd, 2011, 3:38 am
The two nebula variations, but thats all of them
posted on January 22nd, 2011, 3:51 am
They're not from previous games per se, but are older ships from the TNG era (remember that the storyline is 20 years in the future) :thumbsup:

They plan to add a few more in the future as well.
posted on January 22nd, 2011, 5:12 am
Yep the centuar class is ready to go for the next patch, which should be out "soon" haha,

Additionally the constellation class is slated to be added
posted on January 22nd, 2011, 2:03 pm
also they plan the new orleans which needs some love as it gets ignored a lot in the show.

the miranda (not miranda 2), cheyenne, aegian, tmp connie and tos connie will make it in as map objects (not warpin)

steamy is planned to go to a separate warpin called artillery warpin, dunno if it will be alone in that slot, maybe the new orleans will get arty weapons of some kind. imagine arty pulses, bad vs buildings, would change up arty weapons. most arty is torps, which are bad vs most ships.
posted on January 22nd, 2011, 7:09 pm
myles, i dont think the devs said new orleans was going to be a warpin neccesarily
posted on January 22nd, 2011, 11:26 pm
ray320 wrote:myles, i dont think the devs said new orleans was going to be a warpin neccesarily

where else could it go? if they add the new orleans in as buildable everyone will cry for galaxy and ambas to be buildable lol.
posted on January 22nd, 2011, 11:29 pm
I think it was mentioned to be a Warp-In somewhere. If not, it'll be a map unit.
posted on January 22nd, 2011, 11:30 pm
Well we dont know what form the new orleans will take is all im saying, it hasnt been said it will be warpin for sure, at least i dont think so, maybe it will be avatar specfifc ship for a starfleet intelligence, or somthing along those lines,
posted on January 22nd, 2011, 11:44 pm
ray320 wrote:Well we dont know what form the new orleans will take is all im saying, it hasnt been said it will be warpin for sure, at least i dont think so, maybe it will be avatar specfifc ship for a starfleet intelligence, or somthing along those lines,

it could either be warpin or map object. you cant make a credible case for it being buildable without opening the door for the other warpins of its era. as optec loves the new orleans i would bet it will end up as a low probability warpin, kinda like the centaur.
posted on January 22nd, 2011, 11:47 pm
Myles wrote:steamy is planned to go to a separate warpin called artillery warpin, dunno if it will be alone in that slot, maybe the new orleans will get arty weapons of some kind. imagine arty pulses, bad vs buildings, would change up arty weapons. most arty is torps, which are bad vs most ships.

Would love to see an AoE damage warp-in! :)
posted on January 22nd, 2011, 11:49 pm
If you stretch the definition to the most logical limit, the Galaxy's Type-3 Torpedoes could count as an AoE weapon.
posted on January 23rd, 2011, 12:18 am
well aoe isnt exactly the fed way. i cant imagine a fed scientist being allowed/wanting to design a weapon that is indiscriminate in targeting. just doesnt fit with the fed ideals of defending and not killing unless necessary.
posted on January 23rd, 2011, 12:25 am
well maybe there is an avatar who doesnt car so much about that and has aoe installed
posted on January 23rd, 2011, 1:09 am
ray320 wrote:well maybe there is an avatar who doesnt car so much about that and has aoe installed

doubtful, any admiral that told his troops to use such weapons would incur the wrath of the bureaucrats. even though there are federation avatars with slightly different ideas on how to defend the federation, they all follow a general ethos. risner is more offensive, but her ships still have stronger shields than weapons, like all fed ships.

her magnan cannon is already aoe, and there are some claims she has ties to section 31 and nobody knows where she got the plans from. i bet the admirals are already keeping their eyes on her, she is a well established admiral and would be hard to take down, and the magnan phaser is powerful, and starfleet cant afford to look weak, so she can keep her fancy toy. if she magically got more weapons plans for such violent weapons, starfleet would probably start some investigations into her. she probably knows that too.

mayson already has the norway's coil. which is aoe.

also warpins are not avatar specific. they are whatever starfleet in general had nearby to help. nearby ships dont care who puts out the call, as long as they are federation bases.
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