Federation VS Galactic Empire

Which race do you like most? What do you like - what you don't like? Discuss it here.
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posted on June 4th, 2014, 10:33 pm
Empire-Commanded by Grand Moff Tarkin
6 Super Star Destroyers
12 Star Destroyers
24 TIE Fighters for Each Destroyer, 48 for each Super Destroyer
24 TIE Bombers for Each Destroyer, 48 for each Super Destroyer
Death Star
6,000 Stormtroopers
Federation-Commanded by Admiral Kirk
6 Black ships from Into Darkness
12 Enterprise-Class ships outfitted for combat
48 Shuttlecraft fitted for Anti-ship/Marine Landings for Each ship
48 Shuttlecraft fitted for Dogfights for each ship
Future ship that destroyed Vulcan
6,000 Marines with Phaser Rifles

who would win?
posted on June 5th, 2014, 1:38 am
JJ Abrams' lensflare vendor.
posted on June 6th, 2014, 5:48 pm
MadHatter wrote:JJ Abrams' lensflare vendor.


Also, your fleets are uneven. With no Jedi or Sith, Kirk will always win. It! Would be... a simple matter... of! Infiltration!
posted on June 6th, 2014, 6:37 pm
Jinseta Yensei wrote:With no Jedi or Sith, Kirk will always win. It! Would be... a simple matter... of! Infiltration!

Unless the Empire brings a bridge with them.
posted on June 6th, 2014, 6:55 pm
Ah. Then it might be even :lol:

On a more nerdy note, ST ships are generally much smaller and carry fewer arms. Even if it was a question of maneuverability, in a one on one battle, even a Galaxy would probably run out of ammunition before cracking open a Star Destroyer.

You'd need Borg ships to match the scale of the Galactic Fleet. Then they're screwed... 8)
posted on June 6th, 2014, 9:23 pm
I don't usually wade into these sort of arguments, however one intriguing possibility comes to mind.

If we accept the prequel trilogy view that "The Force" is controlled by Midichlorians in the blood, (and I believe in various bits of the Expanded Universe, they create Force Sensitives by pumping them full of Midichlorians artificially) then, it raises the question of what happens when the Borg get a hold of a Force Sensitive (particularly a Sith, as they are less in control of their emotions etc).

Would the Midichlorians fight the Nanites, as an immune system would, or worse, would they also be assimilated, and the whole Collective would soon become Force Sensitive?
posted on June 7th, 2014, 12:27 am
Jinseta Yensei wrote:Ah. Then it might be even :lol:

On a more nerdy note, ST ships are generally much smaller and carry fewer arms. Even if it was a question of maneuverability, in a one on one battle, even a Galaxy would probably run out of ammunition before cracking open a Star Destroyer.

You'd need Borg ships to match the scale of the Galactic Fleet. Then they're screwed... 8)

That is true, but they could still match blow for blow since Star Destroyers typically carry turbolasers, which can be deflected by shields. And also, I made it so that numbers are comparable when it comes to ships, fighters and ground troops. Borg is not a faction in this battle, and I left out Jedi as the Force does not work on people outside their galaxy (Yuuzuhan Vong) and they are not part of the Imperial MIlitary.
posted on June 7th, 2014, 12:42 am
also, I forgot to post scenario:
The Andromeda (Star Wars) and Milky Way are both running out of room. Both set their gaze on the small Magellanic cloud, and find a small star cluster or systems, almost half of which feature a planet that is habitable to some form of life. After most systems are quickly colonized, First Contact between the Empire and Federation is achieved. After the Federation fleet seen by the Empire fights back, war is declared. Each Colony Ship (on both sides) now follows a Battle Group that will stay permanently to defend and/or take the planet from any other parties or factions. They arrive at the system from Kerbal Space Program before the Kerbals develop space travel. Empire Ships are scouting near Jool (a gas giant) when they detect the Federation Fleet incoming on long range scanners (I know, warp drives/Hyperspace. just go along) They have just enough time to gather forces before the Federation fleet arrives (insert beam weapons enegrizing, missiles exploding and railgun firing sounds here)
posted on June 7th, 2014, 1:24 am
Just before this post, I thought Star Wars was using the same bio-sci-fi gobblygook from parasite eve (mitochondria, which are way cooler 8) ). So I'm really clueless just as to what midiclorians are. A SW wiki said they were chemical compounds. Doesn't sound like something difficult to assimilate. Apparently, nanoprobes are able to bring people back from the dead and all that hokus pokus. SW has yet to deliver on that :P

As for a storyline for this little bash, I'll pass. Do we really need an excuse to see these two fleets throw down in our heads? All in good fun, I say.

Battles are ultimately unpredictable. Will Starfleet find the Emperor's Achilles heel, or will the empire evade them by moving slightly to the left? That's up to each fan.

P.S: Thank's google...
posted on June 7th, 2014, 1:44 am
Well from what little I recall from Phantom Menace, Liam I mean Qui-Gon said that they are an organism that lives inside the cells in a symbiotic relationship. So, that would make them microscopic for one, most likely virus sized to be actual inside your cells.

So *shrug* I'm not doctor, but, they remind me of the "Positive Viruses" from Red Dwarf :P (yes, I am saying that Jedi aren't all powerful spiritual samurai, but just people with a rather unusual dose of the flu )
posted on June 7th, 2014, 2:14 am
@ squire then how do u affect Jedi mind tricks or when they use the force on inanimate objects. Also if the jedi and sith were involved u guyz are forgetting that they can use battle meditation to make their troops better and confuse/disrupt the enemy.
posted on June 7th, 2014, 2:17 am
Oh i've no idea of the tactics required to capture one. If it's a form of energy however, then the Borg can and will adapt to it. I was however merely thinking of the biological situation involved in assimilating a Force Sensitive.
posted on June 7th, 2014, 2:20 am
Well if u think about it the Jedi could simply force push air molecules thus creating the "physical" force that the borg cannot adapt to. Similar to how they cant adapt to hand to hand combat
posted on June 7th, 2014, 2:23 am
And if that failed they could just use a force self-distruct (using force to explode ones own mind) thus the borg do not gain the force powers because the memories are gone thus they don't know how to use it
posted on June 7th, 2014, 2:24 am
Interesting thought could they use the thought bomb to destroy the entire collective (since they are all linked). Just a thought
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