Gag Avatars
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posted on November 3rd, 2010, 1:05 am
Admiral James T. Kirk: Starfleet Exploration Command
James Tiberius Kirk is the most legendary Captain in the history of Starfleet, his multiple five year exploration missions in command of USS Enterprise made sure that Starfleet's exploration command kept it's funding and mandate intact despite threat from Klingons, Romulans, Gorn, and many other threats that were thwarted throughout the years, often by Kirk himself.
Kirk was thought dead aboard the launch of the Enterprise B in the first Nexus encounter, found to be alive and thought dead again in the Second nexus encounter, and discoverd several years later to still be alive within the Nexus, having 'died' close enough to his exit from the nexus in spatial as well as chronological distance to not fully leave it, and thus not only cheat death once again but to knock on death's door, then teabag him when he opens it.
Due to his preference for heavy exploration cruisers operating away from starfleet command alone or in small groups, Kirk's static command base tends to be a larger spacedock facility, and he builds outposts and stationary defences much less than other flag officers.
Due to his posting to exploration command, and his prefrence for lone explorers, many of the remaining Galaxy class vessels have been assigned to Kirk, and refitted to the Venture Mk2 refit.
Avatar bonus:
*Galaxy wing: Warpin request may call, twice, on Kirk's reserves of Galaxy class vessels, summoning three galaxy class venture refits. If no enemy is detected within 30 seconds, the vessels will warp out and be un-reachable for at least ten minutes. If the vessels warp in on top of an enemy presence, the immediate shift of the warp core from propulsion to weapons results in phasers being able to target three targets at once, at three times the standard rate of fire, for ten seconds. Due to the rarity of the Galaxy class, after two warpins of venture refits are called, no more may be requested.
*Cruiser tactics: Due to the nature of exploration command, vessels are used to operating alone. All cruisers and exploration vessels will gain extended range on weapons, sensors, speed, and repair rates.
*Distress call: A vessel may call for assistance from vessels allready in system. The calling vessel, all vessels nearby, and all respinding vessels loose all special energy, and cease regeneration of special energy for twenty seconds.
*Repair: Due to Exploration Command vessels often operating alone, it's crews are extremly skilled at field repairs. Vessel shuts down, looses all special energy, and repairs sheilds, hull, subsystems, and slowly heals injured crew, until attacked, canceld, or fully repaired, at the cost of special energy loss for two minutes afterwards, and a thirty second delay from being attacked or canceling, to the vessels non lifesupport systems coming back online.
*James T. Kirk: A Ship with James T. Kirk warps in. All enemy war ships explode. Hostile female avatars notice their pants and undergarments are missing.
James Tiberius Kirk is the most legendary Captain in the history of Starfleet, his multiple five year exploration missions in command of USS Enterprise made sure that Starfleet's exploration command kept it's funding and mandate intact despite threat from Klingons, Romulans, Gorn, and many other threats that were thwarted throughout the years, often by Kirk himself.
Kirk was thought dead aboard the launch of the Enterprise B in the first Nexus encounter, found to be alive and thought dead again in the Second nexus encounter, and discoverd several years later to still be alive within the Nexus, having 'died' close enough to his exit from the nexus in spatial as well as chronological distance to not fully leave it, and thus not only cheat death once again but to knock on death's door, then teabag him when he opens it.
Due to his preference for heavy exploration cruisers operating away from starfleet command alone or in small groups, Kirk's static command base tends to be a larger spacedock facility, and he builds outposts and stationary defences much less than other flag officers.
Due to his posting to exploration command, and his prefrence for lone explorers, many of the remaining Galaxy class vessels have been assigned to Kirk, and refitted to the Venture Mk2 refit.
Avatar bonus:
*Galaxy wing: Warpin request may call, twice, on Kirk's reserves of Galaxy class vessels, summoning three galaxy class venture refits. If no enemy is detected within 30 seconds, the vessels will warp out and be un-reachable for at least ten minutes. If the vessels warp in on top of an enemy presence, the immediate shift of the warp core from propulsion to weapons results in phasers being able to target three targets at once, at three times the standard rate of fire, for ten seconds. Due to the rarity of the Galaxy class, after two warpins of venture refits are called, no more may be requested.
*Cruiser tactics: Due to the nature of exploration command, vessels are used to operating alone. All cruisers and exploration vessels will gain extended range on weapons, sensors, speed, and repair rates.
*Distress call: A vessel may call for assistance from vessels allready in system. The calling vessel, all vessels nearby, and all respinding vessels loose all special energy, and cease regeneration of special energy for twenty seconds.
*Repair: Due to Exploration Command vessels often operating alone, it's crews are extremly skilled at field repairs. Vessel shuts down, looses all special energy, and repairs sheilds, hull, subsystems, and slowly heals injured crew, until attacked, canceld, or fully repaired, at the cost of special energy loss for two minutes afterwards, and a thirty second delay from being attacked or canceling, to the vessels non lifesupport systems coming back online.
*James T. Kirk: A Ship with James T. Kirk warps in. All enemy war ships explode. Hostile female avatars notice their pants and undergarments are missing.
posted on November 3rd, 2010, 2:28 am
I actually like the idea behind it. It would give the federation a very different feel to it. I mean you could replace the descent warpin with maybe two venture refits and make it balanced there. The only problem with your crusier plan is excel 2 would have problems with being leveled up because their range would be artillery and what is beyond artileriy range? Repair would be nice, but you gave all crusier faster repair so they would not use it, but it would have its uses. Maybe a special ship could be a constitution 2, or a super refit of a connie. The kirk ship call in would be just too powerful. Maybe kirk could basically disable all weapons on ten ships when he drops by for a visit while taking out all the female commanders(busy man).
posted on November 3rd, 2010, 3:21 am
Well it was mostly meant as a gag avatar, note the kirk special ability to female avatars .
But yeah, it'd mostly be balancable, IE: reduce repair rates at ship yards, storyline it out as 'the ships are all non-standard, makes shipyard repairs harder and slower'.
Prehaps give ships stuff like astrometrtics labs and such as they upgrade, much longer sensor range (in return for weapons/sheilds going off line and taking time to turn back on) and able to see stellar objects (nebula, astroids, other map objects) thru the fog of war at an even longer distance (IE: sure you SEE those nice moons..... but for all you know theres an enemy base there).
Heh, I could see a Starfleet avatar setup like this that'd work too ....
Exploration command: (Kirk, or picard prehaps, or some explorer). Ships are tanks, lots of specials, less reliant on bases, but downside is ......... bases have less, and can support them less. Prehaps give them a field outpost, use the cube combiner weapon of idiocy from stock A2 to have various support ships ( miners/construction ships) dock and attach to eachother to form a mobile/temporary resupply dock (recrews ships, slowly repairs, builds builders/miners and a few basic ships, and generaly is a emergency quckly established base). Not the best fleet combat avatar, but exellent support avatar in CoOp play
(Sisko, Ross, someone known from trek for being a kickass fighter): Tactical Fleet command: No specials, and no warp in, they ARE warp in. Focus is on combat ships. has 9 slots for arty ships. They take up 3 each, as they max rank, they only take 2 up (only one when veteran). Also builds tactical steamrunners (photons). Akira is fully armed and lacks science labs or probe facilties, 2 photons base, ranks up to 1 quantum, 4 photons. Quantum is 3shot burst, 2 of the photons are 2 shot bursts, has no quantums until veteran status. Miranda2's buildable. May build a single Venture refit Galaxy, that's been refit for pure combat, it's phasers multitarget up to 4 targets, fore/aft photons target seprate targets. Have it's phasers be short quick bursts 10th second long, 1 shot/second, have that be the closest to a 'support' ship. Tactical fleet would basicly be pure combat, but it's support abilties will be much lower, limited to a single repair ship, mining/construction ships more expenseve, building goes slower on everything, ships more expenseve, minimal defense turrets. Prehaps add carrier upgrades for some ships (akira, for example) that allow them to carry 2-3 fighters, however have a very heavy special energy cost to replenish them. Many ships such as sabre get a torpedo refit, and a quantum at higher ranks. In CoOp, this would be the guy that you support and send resources to so he mostly just needs to build ships.
Starfleet Logistics: Combat ships are limited, heaviest buildable is the defiant class 'escort', but a max of 6 of those. Focuses on various support specials, has superior mining rates. In CoOp would focus on resources and base defence. Special station, Spacedock type station, massive cost, massive defence,.
But yeah, it'd mostly be balancable, IE: reduce repair rates at ship yards, storyline it out as 'the ships are all non-standard, makes shipyard repairs harder and slower'.
Prehaps give ships stuff like astrometrtics labs and such as they upgrade, much longer sensor range (in return for weapons/sheilds going off line and taking time to turn back on) and able to see stellar objects (nebula, astroids, other map objects) thru the fog of war at an even longer distance (IE: sure you SEE those nice moons..... but for all you know theres an enemy base there).
Heh, I could see a Starfleet avatar setup like this that'd work too ....
Exploration command: (Kirk, or picard prehaps, or some explorer). Ships are tanks, lots of specials, less reliant on bases, but downside is ......... bases have less, and can support them less. Prehaps give them a field outpost, use the cube combiner weapon of idiocy from stock A2 to have various support ships ( miners/construction ships) dock and attach to eachother to form a mobile/temporary resupply dock (recrews ships, slowly repairs, builds builders/miners and a few basic ships, and generaly is a emergency quckly established base). Not the best fleet combat avatar, but exellent support avatar in CoOp play
(Sisko, Ross, someone known from trek for being a kickass fighter): Tactical Fleet command: No specials, and no warp in, they ARE warp in. Focus is on combat ships. has 9 slots for arty ships. They take up 3 each, as they max rank, they only take 2 up (only one when veteran). Also builds tactical steamrunners (photons). Akira is fully armed and lacks science labs or probe facilties, 2 photons base, ranks up to 1 quantum, 4 photons. Quantum is 3shot burst, 2 of the photons are 2 shot bursts, has no quantums until veteran status. Miranda2's buildable. May build a single Venture refit Galaxy, that's been refit for pure combat, it's phasers multitarget up to 4 targets, fore/aft photons target seprate targets. Have it's phasers be short quick bursts 10th second long, 1 shot/second, have that be the closest to a 'support' ship. Tactical fleet would basicly be pure combat, but it's support abilties will be much lower, limited to a single repair ship, mining/construction ships more expenseve, building goes slower on everything, ships more expenseve, minimal defense turrets. Prehaps add carrier upgrades for some ships (akira, for example) that allow them to carry 2-3 fighters, however have a very heavy special energy cost to replenish them. Many ships such as sabre get a torpedo refit, and a quantum at higher ranks. In CoOp, this would be the guy that you support and send resources to so he mostly just needs to build ships.
Starfleet Logistics: Combat ships are limited, heaviest buildable is the defiant class 'escort', but a max of 6 of those. Focuses on various support specials, has superior mining rates. In CoOp would focus on resources and base defence. Special station, Spacedock type station, massive cost, massive defence,.
posted on November 3rd, 2010, 8:08 am
Directive: Ignore
-all borg vessels can not attack but gain + 400 defensive value!
-all borg vessels can not attack but gain + 400 defensive value!
posted on November 3rd, 2010, 8:12 am
Admiral Tok`ra: All ships can destroy the enemy through information overload.
posted on November 3rd, 2010, 10:53 am
For the Borg: Directive: Annihilate
Can't build anything, but if your main base is attacked spawns a force of 7,000 cubes from the Borg's Delta Quadrant holdings, which then spread across the map destroying any enemy ship they encounter.
Can't build anything, but if your main base is attacked spawns a force of 7,000 cubes from the Borg's Delta Quadrant holdings, which then spread across the map destroying any enemy ship they encounter.
posted on November 3rd, 2010, 11:29 am
Directive villain decay:
all borg ships start off with 200% stats, then lose 5% every minute, until intrepids can 1 shot them.
all borg ships start off with 200% stats, then lose 5% every minute, until intrepids can 1 shot them.
posted on November 3rd, 2010, 11:54 am
Directive: Resistance is NOT futile
Can research the way to create a quantum singularity from the Transmission Matrix, which can be used from any Borg ship to enter Fluidic Space and start a war with Species 8472, who will then begin entering the map at a slow but steady rate. Their ships are able to 3-shot a cube...
This could be a good way to get 8472 in as map objects
Can research the way to create a quantum singularity from the Transmission Matrix, which can be used from any Borg ship to enter Fluidic Space and start a war with Species 8472, who will then begin entering the map at a slow but steady rate. Their ships are able to 3-shot a cube...
This could be a good way to get 8472 in as map objects
posted on November 3rd, 2010, 3:39 pm
Directive Unstable:
The moment a borg ship if fired upon the ship explodes vaporising everything in its path.
The moment a borg ship if fired upon the ship explodes vaporising everything in its path.
posted on November 3rd, 2010, 3:45 pm
General Jureth - Klingon Tactics:
1 of every 3 shots hits another Klingon warship instead of the enemy.
1 of every 3 shots hits another Klingon warship instead of the enemy.
posted on November 3rd, 2010, 5:09 pm
Dircome wrote:The moment a borg ship if fired upon the ship explodes vaporising everything in its path.
Well I think when any ship explodes ships in the imediate vasinity should get damaged or destroyed. at least when someone does destroy my Scube that I at least take some of his ships with me.
posted on November 3rd, 2010, 6:46 pm
Myles wrote:Directive villain decay:
all borg ships start off with 200% stats, then lose 5% every minute, until intrepids can 1 shot them.
Now thats just sill......... wait, may want to warn Voyager producers, before chronoton fluctulations result in Archers enterprise being able to 1shot villa......... wait .........
projectgregory wrote:Well I think when any ship explodes ships in the imediate vasinity should get damaged or destroyed. at least when someone does destroy my Scube that I at least take some of his ships with me.
Makes sense for non-romulan ships, ship goes boom thats it's warp core and entire store of antimatter going boom.......
Prehaps for Romulans, have a % chance that the AQS isnt destroyed, slips containment, and impacts a random vessel anywere on the map.
posted on November 3rd, 2010, 7:01 pm
Tok`ra wrote:Prehaps for Romulans, have a % chance that the AQS isnt destroyed, slips containment, and impacts a random vessel anywere on the map.
Or that when the singularity escapes its containment that it starts ejecting space organisms that swarm the map. Or for a more canon approach we could have a temporal effect near by.
posted on November 3rd, 2010, 7:05 pm
Romulan Warp cores don't cause temporal problems, unless under special conditions like the presence of certain isotopes.
posted on November 3rd, 2010, 7:07 pm
Or... turn it into a NPC with a continual area of effect weapon coming from it, and it flies in a straight line across the map, doing damage to anything that gets too close, then it vanishes once off the map.
Tyler, they dont use warp cores, warp core implies a matter/antimatter reaction, Roms suck power from an artificial black hole.
Tyler, they dont use warp cores, warp core implies a matter/antimatter reaction, Roms suck power from an artificial black hole.
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