Giving up the Neghvar

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posted on November 15th, 2009, 7:12 pm
I love playing Klingon. I think they're awesome. But I think Im done building Neghvars. Its a great ship with solid attack and defense but its too slow to get in and cause any damage before its next to destroyed and its short weapons range isnt helping at all.
My friend tried to explain to me that its the tank and supposed to absorb the dmg for the rest of your incomming fleet. But u could give the neghvar a head start and the rest of your fleet will still beat it to the position u need it at. Plus arent tanks supposed to be able to hold out and dish out some dmg before they go down?
posted on November 15th, 2009, 7:30 pm
Most of us would agree with you and it sounds like the Devs do as well.  The current Neghvar is almost more of a liability than an expensive asset until it gets it's Special.

  LUCKILY - the devs have explained that in the forthcoming (and much awaited) patch the Klingons will be getting a massive redo.  Short range vessels especially will be given a much more defined and clear role in fleet tactics.  Word around the campfire is that the Negh'Var will be given a large speed boost to compensate it's lack of range and expenses needed to access it.

  Old Negh'Var --> :wheelchair:

  New Negh'Var -->  :guns:      :crybaby:  <-- Late game Sabers.
posted on November 15th, 2009, 7:39 pm
50Off 36Def 771Dil 236Tri 29Sup shortranged

compared to a sovvoe
36Off 46Def 887Dil 263Tri 27Supp medranged

compared to a d'deridex
38Off 43Def 918 Dil 299 Tri 41Sup medranged +cloak

I think the price of the neghva is quite fair, though the short range urges you to tink carefully when to use them. When you go into a battle with neghvrs be sure to turn everything to dust within seconds. Otherwise you'll die equally fast.

Further the Neghvar will undergo some changes anyway.
posted on November 15th, 2009, 7:41 pm
Well, I doubt that it will be able to take out Sabers that easily due to torp avoidance, but Boggz gives a good overall idea. Currently the Negh'var has a speed of 70, while the Saber has a speed of 120 without hyper. After the patch the Negh'var will probably have a speed of 120, and the Saber 110 :). Most short range vessels got a nice speed boost to reduce kiting. Long range vessels generally have been slowed down :)
posted on November 15th, 2009, 11:57 pm
Dominus_Noctis wrote:Well, I doubt that it will be able to take out Sabers that easily due to torp avoidance

Let me Dream of steamrolling Sabers in my pimped out Negh'Var you bully. :pimp:
posted on November 16th, 2009, 12:04 am
Hehe, you might be able to take out a few cowardly Rhienns that way though ;)
posted on November 16th, 2009, 12:36 am
I'm a much bigger fan of Luspets, anyway.  They're faster (right now, anyway), can cloak, and come out from the battleyard.  Their special is still decent against fleets of cheap, weak destroyers like the A-20 or sabers, even when in decent numbers.
posted on November 16th, 2009, 12:56 am
Field of Fire is still good against most cruisers too in fact :D. Plus, the weapons on LuSpets sound really cool too  :lol:. Rarely do I get the opportunity to field Negh'vars, but when I do, I use them as specialty structure toasters. A few of them will fly out and attack some mining with Overload and strong torps, while the rest of my fleet engages my opponent's battle groups.
posted on November 16th, 2009, 1:11 am
Dominus_Noctis wrote:Field of Fire is still good against most cruisers too in fact :D. Plus, the weapons on LuSpets sound really cool too  :lol:. Rarely do I get the opportunity to field Negh'vars, but when I do, I use them as specialty structure toasters. A few of them will fly out and attack some mining with Overload and strong torps, while the rest of my fleet engages my opponent's battle groups.

  Negh'Vars do work as a nice kind of lightning rod for attention.  If I manage to field them I like to draw special weapons onto them and do what Dom suggests.
posted on November 16th, 2009, 1:14 am
"Hey, I'll go attack that lone Negh'var attacking my base.  Oh crap Bortas decloaking, Bortas decloaking!  Oh crap all my ships are gone!  Ahhhh!!!!!!" :lol:
posted on November 16th, 2009, 4:59 am
the neghvar got much love in the next patch. Not only its speed, but also its tactical position in the fleet has been switched, in order to make it a solid vessel, capable of competing with other capitals in direct combat
posted on November 16th, 2009, 5:15 am
Optec wrote:the neghvar got much love in the next patch. Not only its speed, but also its tactical position in the fleet has been switched, in order to make it a solid vessel, capable of competing with other capitals in direct combat

  Ahhh .... so you ADMIT that it's incapable of combating other capitals?  :D

  *Breathes a sigh of relief that he wasn't just using hte Neggies wrong.
posted on November 16th, 2009, 6:03 am
Been thinking about the concept of 'tank' ships, and realized that there's a very simple way to negate them.

Don't micro what your ships are shooting at.  The AI will shoot at tanks dead last.  The only kind of tank I could possibly see working if you just let your ships pick their own targets is one with low defense, but massive regen or damage reduction.  That way, the AI actually would shoot at it.  As it stands, in the first few seconds of fleet engagements, or the entire game if playing against AI, I put a few B'rel in with any Vor'cha or Neggies just so that the little BoPs will take the initial salvos of firepower, letting the heavy hitters get in some more shots.

Part of why I rarely field Qaj'duh (or however it's spelled, I'm tired) with my Vor'cha or Negh'var is that very thing.  Unless I've added even softer targets with them, the Qaj'duh get vaped right out the gate, making it more effecient to use that trit for more ships that kill things instead of mess with things.
posted on November 16th, 2009, 7:26 am
the neghvar was not designed to encouner other battleships face-to-face. The neghvar will lose some of its current potential in order to be a ship-to-ship cruiser. everything comes for a price :innocent:
posted on November 16th, 2009, 8:08 am
Optec wrote:the neghvar was not designed to encouner other battleships face-to-face. The neghvar will lose some of its current potential in order to be a ship-to-ship cruiser. everything comes for a price :innocent:

Just out of curiosity, what WAS the Neggie deisigned to do?  I'm curious about FLOPS style and Canon Style?  It really only appears in "The Way of the Warrior" DS9 episode and the TNG finale (which I don't count.  Alternate universes are stupid).

  I assumed that since it did little to actually fight DS9 it was mainly a flagship with fleet-oriented tactics.  I noticed though that in that episode it launches a pair of heavy torpedoes on a special command that disables DS9's shields for boarding.  Is this where you guys took some of your ideas?
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