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posted on June 16th, 2005, 6:32 pm
Last edited by ewm90 on June 16th, 2005, 6:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Optec Aug 16 2003, 02:51 AM
ok, the Ciadan history is a bit complex but i will try to summarize it.

The Ciadan home planat, which they call Kaseidron, was originally in the delta quadrant of our galaxy, what is today borg space.
Before intelligent life appear on Kaseidron, it was affected by a sub space shockwave from the dying sun of the planatary system. These special shockwave, unique in the whole universe, caused Kaseidron to break out of its orbit and shifted it into subspace. This was, how Kaseidron began his lonly travel through subspace.

During this travel the first intelligent species evolved on the nearly water covered planet. The Ciadan.

The Ciadan society lived peacefuly and in their.. very special way (also looking very similar to humans, their behavior is quite strange.. some call it naive, some crazy, some ...) until they found out that kaseidron will end its travel in some time and drop out of subspace. This was the time when they realized, that their true home system is far away. Kaseidron ended its travel in the Andromeda galaxy.
The Ciadan, only being 1000 jears old, had impressiv tehnological capabilities. They developed a special medicament which allows them to survive on 'normal' space.
After 300 jears of development, exploration and expansion (andromeda shows itself quite empty) the Ciadan began an impressive project. They constructed a giant spaceship to travel to our galaxy and find out their true home planet. Cause of their sub space warpdrives they reached our galaxy 400 jears later...
But they where unable to locate the location of their true home system, therefore they settled on a planet in the deep alpha quadrant, which they call Herdantron. They constructed a giant Dysons Sphere arround it, using the Mothership as a basic platform.

mh, many will now happen in the alpha quadrant but if there will be a single player campaign for Fleet Operations you will learn it there If its sure there won't be one i will wirte complex storys to every race for you

The Ciadan are scientists. They have their very special why to research.. simply trying, like a child playing with bricks. This techique was very successful till know, so the Ciadan can access a large area of highly advanced technology.
For example no Ciadan vessel has its single energy sorce. All vessels are linke through subspace with a energy battery, which provides the necessary energy to operate it.
The Ciadan computer network, called "database" is a similar construction, but they use organic processors, as they would call them, to process all the stuff. This "organic processors" are simply humans, vulkans, romulans or even borg, what ever they find in the universe.
The Ciadan hacking capabilities are impressive and they can override most starships for a short time or, under usage of special techniques, even permanent.

A great disadvantage for the Ciadan are the Ciadan themselves. Cause they lack any kind of sexual instinct their population is very low. Also their body strange is very weak they can easily be boarded. To avoid this, the Ciadan have developed several starships which are run without crew but through a database uplink, so they cannot be boarded.

mh, this are a few of the aspects from this lovely little race i will tell you more in time

a intresting thread a person added d69 in to fo:

and be cuss some one will ask V3 is coming out on cores evry things going well its just taking longer than origanaly thot it will be out asap and no one knows when that will be not evin the craters.
posted on June 16th, 2005, 7:50 pm
Hu, some really old topics ^_^ yep that is some information about the ciadan which are at least my favourite race and will come in a future version :)
posted on June 16th, 2005, 7:51 pm
Optec do you have eny uther tidbits about fucher story lines?
posted on June 16th, 2005, 9:50 pm
LOL u found that out now :huh:

There is the story of iconians somewhere on the forums too :P
posted on June 16th, 2005, 11:38 pm
Hu, some really old topics happy.gif yep that is some information about the ciadan which are at least my favourite race and will come in a future version

yea if a future version ever comes out :D
posted on June 17th, 2005, 12:15 am
Khmm, I mean really have some faith in the team -_-
posted on June 17th, 2005, 11:09 am
khmm???are you choking???

3.0 will come out, its just buggy. you dont want a buggy fleetops do you???
posted on June 17th, 2005, 12:00 pm
Last edited by Cpt Ryan on June 17th, 2005, 12:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
:hmmm: ye of little faith poisons us with his lack of patience :P
add him to a growing list of these people lately
posted on June 18th, 2005, 2:04 pm
Last edited by ewm90 on June 18th, 2005, 2:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Optec Posted: Aug 15 2003, 08:17 AM
The Iconians are a highly advanced species which lived in the alpha quadrant thousands of years ago. From what the Federation knows today they were ment to be the first interstellar empire in this part of the galaxy. You can still find a few iconian ruins in booth the space of the Federation an the Romulan empire. What the Federation knows is, that the Iconians had a war with a unknown enemy and where destroyed.

Well, the Iconians had several conflicts with the Borg collective, which tried to assimilate them, but failed cause of the Iconian psionic capabilities. Therefore the Iconians where classified as a thread to the collective.
The war ended with a large Borg Fleet, trying to invade the Iconian Home system. The Iconiands used a giant psionic shockwave o griplle the vessels. The war was won...
But the shockwave had also disturbed the sun of the Iconian system and it began to collaps.
The Icians Dynasty evacuated through time. Their knowledge of time and time travel allowed them to settle in another timeline. There the Iconians began to expand and prepare for vengeance...

The Iconian technology splits into two sectores. On the one Hand, they have psionic and transcendent capabilities. On the Other hand they can access highly advanced technology like time travel or chronoton disruptors.

A Iconian base does only consist of a giant main structure, which has been warped through time in thies sphere of the space time continuum. This station can open additional gateways through time to warpin iconian vessels.
Cause the Iconians construct their vessels in timelines where they dominiate the galaxy, a Iconian player won't need to expand ot gather resoures. The only limiting resoruce is time itself. The longer a game takes, there more vessels can you expect. But most Iconian station upgrades and vessels take long to build.

Posted: Jul 30 2004, 08:44 AM
There will also be many non-playable races or neutral races which can be found on maps or hired as mercenaries, like
whatever you can think of... but that all needs time of course ;-)


what about.
Reman resitons. - romulands.
nosacn pirets. - fites evry body.
and a reformed mokey resitons. - cadesons and fedration.
posted on June 18th, 2005, 2:55 pm
i assume you mean Reman resistance , nausican pirates (large greenish people with a face like the predator) and the marquis. weren't the marquis wiped out during voyagers time in the delta quadrant? :unsure:

a reman uprising sounds like a good idea for a small romulan single player campaign. a 2or3 missions tops or it would just be repeating itself in different ways.

BTW read
and a reformed mokey resitons. - cadesons and fedration.
as monkey resistance, lol :lol: planet of the apes in star trek... nice :D
posted on June 18th, 2005, 4:39 pm
was that maquis? that makes more sence then monkey resistance that i manage to decifer :lol:

but all of the Maquis where destroyed by the dominion. See DS9 episodes.
posted on June 18th, 2005, 7:40 pm
ya the monkey wher wiped out at the start od the dom war. but thare no reson why thay can reform agin some of the leders of the monkey wher saved by the uss defint.

nausican pirates ashaly thay are gray tall and are ugly as sin. as for (large greenish people with a face like the predator) very much like predator. i was thinking week small ships tht come in groops.

reman uprising i liked it to Cpt Ryan it whood all so let us put in the simatar ans uther blowish ships. and maby some blow colored romuland ships that wher capchered by the reman uprising.
posted on June 18th, 2005, 7:56 pm
i could swear the nausicans were a greenish colour, they are the same as the bodyguard on Elite force 2 i think :unsure: .

aaaaahhhhhh :blink: dude its "marquis" you keep spelling it mokey/monkey.
its quite disturbing to read about monkeys getting wiped out by the dominion :lol:
posted on June 18th, 2005, 8:00 pm
Last edited by ewm90 on July 3rd, 2005, 1:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
welp thats not haw thay wher in the st episodes.

well the dominon like mokeys thay make nise lone cloths and sexy under ware for the vorta. sary i will triy to whach that.
posted on June 18th, 2005, 8:09 pm
well i don't remember seeing them on the st episodes so all i have to go on is the EF2 game :alien:

the nausicans could be like an agressive ferengi, targeting lone vessels and trying to capture them & then running off the map with them, lots of fun as they capture a very expensive ship that needs credits and leg it off the map with you screaming and ranting at the computer screen :lol: :omg:
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