
Which race do you like most? What do you like - what you don't like? Discuss it here.
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posted on April 27th, 2003, 5:19 pm
the map editor itself is the same as provided armada. the map manager is for easily make the command calls for the editor to show up.
posted on April 27th, 2003, 5:21 pm
oh i see i never ever made maps on Armada but i might try as im willing maybe thats where my calling in modding is as i tried odf's for 2weeks day and night 18h a day a while ago and it frustrated me most was fine but it was the lenth that made me mad then i tried adding ships and i made many errors i just hope i can do mapmaking and make maps ppl will like
posted on April 27th, 2003, 5:23 pm
the armada2 editor is quite simple. I'm sure you will understand it quickly :-)
posted on April 27th, 2003, 5:24 pm
when i mean add ships i mean add there sod texture and get it all to work properly
posted on April 27th, 2003, 5:25 pm
well i hope so
posted on April 27th, 2003, 5:25 pm
It took me a while to be able to add our first ship.. it was in armada 1.. ough.. long time ago *g*
posted on April 27th, 2003, 5:28 pm
lol i wish i started modding at the start but i was too caught up in multiplayer oh well any ways im off to watch small ville il think of more Questions maybe write u guys a Faq with all my Qs lol
posted on April 27th, 2003, 5:30 pm
hehe ;-) looking forward for your next questions
posted on April 27th, 2003, 5:30 pm
good idea :D
see ya
posted on April 27th, 2003, 7:11 pm
No colonization? why not just make it take longer to colonize? how do we get more crew then?
posted on April 27th, 2003, 7:21 pm
you can increase your maximum crew and the crew rate by building additional starbases
posted on April 27th, 2003, 9:43 pm
Ok guys Get ready for a hell of alot more Qs i think

1,due to the removal of Z axis will you be editing the ATTACK PATTERNS also if u do this is there a way to edit the standard attack pattarn which is the standing still is there a way to make the default Attack a strafing run for certain ships and Circular for others?

2,Have you made new weapon effects because if not i recomend u contact Rakes weapon textures he has some really good looking torps and phasers they were for A2 but i managed to convert them to A2 A while ago not too difficult

3,will the galaxy have Seperation because i dont think it should as it has been pretty useless in the past and could be made to make something more usefull like a ship that you build which is a starbase you move it to ur required location and seperate it this would be more realistic i think also u could edit the Odf to make so the base had no engines once seperated so the vessel that came off was a tug of some kind and they could not reintergrate and you have to salvage the vessel

4,will you make acurate crew numbers for example will the Defiant havce the cannon 49 or 200 crew?

5,will the warp in units come through some kind of gate or off the edge of the map?

6, have you made asteroids traversable ?

7, wot if any nebulas have been added

8,how long range will fighters be

9,will galaxys have multi targeting phasers aswell as the sov

10,will u be using salvo torps or burst fire torps

11,have u edited the graphics for Black holes

12,is the steamrunner still the long range bomber

13,are the cardassians in this mod?

14,if the above is yes will you add the marqui as a non player AI who attack freighters esspecially Cardassian ones

15,will there be any probes?

16, is tacyon detection still in use as this is a multiplayer mod i would find it siliy to add it or maybe u could make it so that you have to intergrate 8 sensor arrays or something and they become a net for that area

17,will torpedoes use special energy so u had to resupply vessels every once in a while?

18,could the galaxy have a special where 3runabouts apear around it like the uss oddsesy it would be a cool special weap where the ship would launch them as defense

19,will officers and crew be in short supply if u take heavy losses to ur fleet

20,i think this is enough so one more can i join u as a mapmaker if i learn how to use the prog?
5,why dose it look as if you have used A1 Textures?

posted on April 28th, 2003, 4:58 am
1) the vessels still stand still at an attack. We want a reviewable battle and therefore we doesn't want a chaos of attack paterns on the screen ;-)
2) All weapon effects are completely new to the net.
3) No, the Galaxy won't have Saucer Seperation, becouse, as you said, it rendered useless in the past
4) The Defiant has become a battlecruiser, not the weak destroyer it was. It has 80 crew
5) The warp in units for the Federation come through a classic warp effect
6) No, asteroids are not passable. In the next beta there will be asteroids and other interactive objects you can build special asteroid or hidden bases
7) In the beta there are only Fluidic, Crytalid and Mutara nebulas. More to come.
8) Becouse the Eridians are not implemented yet, i cant tell you about this. The idea medium - long range.
9) The Federation Monsoon Class has 2 Phaser arrays which can fire at the same time. All other Federation vessels have a maximum of 1 Phaser array.
10) Quantum Torpedos have a special ability compared with photon or other torpedos. If the Quantum carrying vessel is not in combat it can 'save' shots, so it can fire a fast salve of up to 5 torpedos in the next battle. Then it will return to the normal firerate. The Sovereign has Quantum Torpedos.
11) All graphics have been redone. Actually there are no black holes availible in the beta. They are on my list next ;-)
12) The Steamrunner is an Warp In vessel and is equipped with Tricobalt Torpedos, which are long range weapons.
13) The Cardassians aren't a playable race. They will be released as an non player AI.
14) The Maquis also will be a non player AI.
15) The Federation Canaveral Class is the only vessel which has probes. They can scann deep into the enemy base without having trouble ;-)
16) The detection range of tachion detection grid have been reduced, so cloak is more interesting. The Federation and the Klingons use Sensor stations to uncloak vessels. The Borg can have Tachion Detection installed in there defence platforms.
17) Except the special weapon torpedos no torpedo will use energy.
18) There will be a similar special weapon for the Eridians. The Galaxy Class has Point Defence Phaser, as well as the Akira.
19) There are no officers anymore. Having low crew depends on the number of starbases you have, as normal ;-)
20) Feel free to make maps and send them to us ;-)
Used Armada 1 textures? Mh. we have added smoothing to the models, a similar technique was used in Armada1.. but all textures and meshes are done special and only for Fleet Operations ;-)
posted on April 28th, 2003, 4:32 pm
ahh i see well thanx for answering some questions but may i ask a few more

Will the cubes be the true force they were meant to be

could you explain about the Asteroid bases u spoke of

non player Ai will they be available on multi player and how significant will there actions be also will they be like raiders where they are hard to hunt down and kill like the marqui

if there are other nebulas as u have stated will there be one similar to the badlands where the marqui hide so that it will add a sense of annoyance and a Saftey zone for them where it is difficult to find them

how long will 1v1 battles last for example a defiant vs 1kilngon bop will it last long and will they bop be real in a sense weak hull and shields power full weapons

what have you based this mod around and what was the reason for it ?

Galaxy no multi target phaser????? why not also sov should have it aswell

rom disrupters will they be like in sfc3 or will they be pulse version like on tv

will ships have higher chances of becoming derilect

will there be a special weapon for the galaxy the E&f mod for A1 had a weap where you could fire multi target torpedoes by pressing a special button

can the galaxy fight 3bops and win or wil it be like the show
posted on April 28th, 2003, 5:50 pm
Cubes are a powerful vessel, but they are not overwhelming

Asteroid bases are a feature, which will be implemented in the coming betas. It allows you to 'colonize' special asteroids. These bases won't appear on the minimap.

Non Ai players will be availible in multiplayer (there is only multiplayer in fleetops.. of course you can play "skirmish" with the AI).. They will defend resources or similar possition

There will be a huge spectrum of nebulas. Badland-like nebulas wont miss ofcourse ;-)

The time a battle needs depends on the units involved. A Defiant class will destroy a bop, becouse the defiant is equipped with pulsephaser, which have an extra efficenty against small vessels

The aim of Fleet Operations is an interesting and varietal Star Trek multiplayer eyperience

The Sovereign and the Galaxy would be to strong by doing multiple damage to whole fleets with a multi targetting phaser.

The Romulans will booth have pulse and beam disruptors.

If there isn't a Borg Assimilator on the field they won't become derelict easily.

The Galaxy Class has fast firing Photon Torpedos and the Point Defence special ability.

The Photon Torpedos of the Galaxy Class won't hit the Bops often. Bops instad won't do much damage to the Galaxy being a large vessel. The fight should last for a while.. I Think the Galaxy should win but be damaged.
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