Ship build times
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posted on May 16th, 2003, 1:59 pm
I think that the build times should be spread out the small ships should be quicker, and the larger ships should take longer......
whats the idea behind your suggestion?
DOCa Cola
posted on May 16th, 2003, 10:06 pm
I think that the build times should be spread out the small ships should be quicker, and the larger ships should take longer......
I second that
posted on May 17th, 2003, 8:16 am
why why why?
posted on May 17th, 2003, 9:59 pm
it would be cool if you could do the resource cost new itself ... like in HOMEWORLD ... there the ships do not cost 500 dilitium from beginning ... they cost 5 dilitium if 100 sec to build ;5per second ... you understand what i mean ?
posted on May 17th, 2003, 10:26 pm
hehe, yea, but that is not possible with armada. armada modding is no real fun due limited possibilities. it would be cool if it was modable like quake or half-life
DOCa Cola
DOCa Cola
posted on May 18th, 2003, 7:20 am
whats the idea behind your suggestion?
I just think that the build times for smaller ships are too big, and the larger ones arn't big the akira takes 50.0 sec to build, and the sovereign takes 60.0, not much differnece even though the sov is much larger and more powerful....
posted on May 18th, 2003, 7:41 am
maybe you are right, but i leave the answer to optec
DOCa Cola
DOCa Cola
posted on May 18th, 2003, 9:10 am
The Akira Class needs 50 seconds and the Sovereign Class needs 70 Seconds
In the firs version of Fleet Operations (long time before the release of Beta 1) the build times were as you espected. The porblem was, small ships were much to powerful. You were able to replicate a fleet of Akira in a few minutes, while still building your seconds Sov, which ended in hughe clusters of Eraudi Type Yards.
The Large vessels have the disadvantege of high costs and the techtree requirements you have to reach them. If their build time would be that high, they won't stand a chance to defend against the mass if small vessels you could build in the same time.
You have to see that from the strategic viewpoint. A player could try to directly tech on Battleships, ignoring all Cruisers and stuff. This is ofcourse a riscful strategy, leaving him vulnerable to attack in the beginning, but it should be doable, if the enemy doesn't attack him...
In the firs version of Fleet Operations (long time before the release of Beta 1) the build times were as you espected. The porblem was, small ships were much to powerful. You were able to replicate a fleet of Akira in a few minutes, while still building your seconds Sov, which ended in hughe clusters of Eraudi Type Yards.
The Large vessels have the disadvantege of high costs and the techtree requirements you have to reach them. If their build time would be that high, they won't stand a chance to defend against the mass if small vessels you could build in the same time.
You have to see that from the strategic viewpoint. A player could try to directly tech on Battleships, ignoring all Cruisers and stuff. This is ofcourse a riscful strategy, leaving him vulnerable to attack in the beginning, but it should be doable, if the enemy doesn't attack him...
posted on May 18th, 2003, 7:27 pm
in unmodded a2 you see a force that is maybe 70 more ships than yours, and it's headed toward one of your fleets and you go, screw it, i don't feel like sending reinforcements, i'll just let them be destroyed, i'll get them all back in 5 minutes. with Fleet Ops installed it's like this: a force of 19 ships is headed for one of your fleets of 15 ships, and you think don't feel like sending reinforcements, and i'll have all them back in 7 minutes. Here's how it should be: a fleet of 5 ships is headed toward one of your mining operations, and you have 3 ships and a turret garding it, and you send in reinforcements or pull back.
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