Supplies Regarding Dominion

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posted on June 28th, 2006, 5:04 pm
Currently I'm playing the Dominion and I'm having serious trouble keeping up with resource demands. First of all, I seem to be having trouble having both a Ketracel Synthesizer and a processor (resource thing) work off of the smae moon. The ships always go for the clesest station so I end up either just getting supply or the resource from the moon, so I was wondering if there's anyway to "bind" a ship to a particular station, so I get both supply and that resource? Second, if that's not possible, is it more worth it to split the moons between ketracel thingys and resource processing thingys, or to just have the resource processors and then buy supply routes from the main station? Oh and lastly, what is the most efficient number of mining ships per moon and number of processing stations and their distance from it?
Any help would be much appreciated!
posted on June 28th, 2006, 5:09 pm
:huh: should automatically be binded. it is for me an i didn't do anything special.
perhaps you should try just building 1 or the other near one resource an the other near another resource (if that even makes sence to ya).
but anyway this is probably a bug for you since on mine the frieghter that comes out of the synthisizer is automatically binded to that station.
for frieghters that you've built seperately, move the frieghter to the resource that you want it to mine then right-click on the station that you want it delivered at, and that should work :) .
posted on June 28th, 2006, 5:52 pm
I'll try that and see if it works.
posted on June 28th, 2006, 8:43 pm
for frieghters that you've built seperately, move the frieghter to the resource that you want it to mine then right-click on the station that you want it delivered at, and that should work smile.gif .

That is the anwser to your problem ;)

Second, if that's not possible, is it more worth it to split the moons between ketracel thingys and resource processing thingys, or to just have the resource processors and then buy supply routes from the main station? Oh and lastly, what is the most efficient number of mining ships per moon and number of processing stations and their distance from it?

I think its more efficient to have like 1 ketracel thingy and 3 mining stations (if u have 4 moons of course :)) If you only buy supplies your in deep **** cause from 80 u get from 1800 tri u can only build 13 bugs(cause 1 costs 6 supplies lol) and I wont even say about the battleships that cost 20+ supplies :D
I use 3 mining ships per moon, 4 could work too. More than that its just a waste. Mining stations should be as close to the moon as possible :)
posted on June 28th, 2006, 8:48 pm
yeah, 1 original and 2 additional mining ships work best for me, so 3 per moon, so that at any given time, one is mining, one is unloading and one is just cruising around untill it gets a chance to unload :P
posted on June 28th, 2006, 9:03 pm
I usually use 4. It maximizes the amount of income. Any more than 4 is just wasteful.
posted on June 29th, 2006, 4:06 am
Well, um, it doesn't work for me. See, what I wanted to do was have both a synthesizer and refinery at the smae moon, and have two ships assigned to each, but unless I manually told the ship to go to a specific station EVERY SINGLE TIME it finished loading minerals, it would go to whichever station was coser at that time (which side of the moon it was on when it finished loading). :wacko:
posted on June 29th, 2006, 5:00 am
Khmmm that is strange, cause if you select a freighter and order it to go to a particular mining station, it will mine on a moon which is closes to that mining station and it will dump resources on that mining station :S
posted on June 29th, 2006, 12:57 pm
i've come across the same issue as mortographer. i've put a synth and refinery on either side of the dilithium moon and got 4 miners, 2 set to go to the synth and 2 for the refinery but they don't stick to the plan they go wherever they are closest to
posted on July 1st, 2006, 2:38 am
use only one or the other, sometimes you can't have both.
posted on July 2nd, 2006, 1:58 am
lol that sucks. Oh well, mabye for a future release the dominion could have a mining freigter that ONLY works with the synth, so that way it wouldn't have a choise where to go.
posted on July 3rd, 2006, 12:15 pm
well, if we are already complicating things.....the supply thingy could actually build it's own freighters
posted on July 3rd, 2006, 7:27 pm
lol that sucks. Oh well, mabye for a future release the dominion could have a mining freigter that ONLY works with the synth, so that way it wouldn't have a choise where to go.

well it would be able to handle resources then would it.
its the facility that does the converting and adding resources to your account not the frieghters.
posted on July 3rd, 2006, 8:52 pm
really??!?! i don't think anyone knew that! of cource it's the station! but if the station had it's own unique freighters they would only go to THAT station, that's the disscussion, not wheather freighters convert the resources.
posted on July 3rd, 2006, 9:14 pm
Well, you can switch the Dominion vessels between miner and constructor... so why not simply add the option "ketracel resource miner".

Then we could choose the right mode and that's it.
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