The Dominion V-15 Dreadnought

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posted on January 7th, 2009, 8:41 pm
Since there is no other thread like this on the forums I decided to make one. So what do u think about the ship? Strong enough? Big enough? Do you like the way its incorporated into the game? What would you make differently?

So here are my thoughts on the ship:
It is really great that the Dominion got a big hitter, b4 IMO it was only the Breen battleship that could act as the big hitter. Also its strenght is pretty correct IMO and so is its size. The special weapon is nice as well. Basically everything about the ship is great, but there is one thing that is bothering me.

Since the ship gets different bonuses depending on who your allied with/capture, why didnt you also arm the ship differently considering that same point? Right now it looks and feels the same regardless which V-15 you build. Id really love the ship if something like this would be the case:
-With Klingon mixed tech you get the same bonus as in the current version, only that the ship would only be armed with 4 tetrion torpedoes and no beam weapons
-With Feds you again get the same bonus but the ship would be armed with 2 torps and 1 strong beam
-With Borg, the same bonus but the ship has only 1 torpedo and 3 beams
-With Roms you get 2 beams and 2 pulse weapons plus a new special weapon and ofc the same bonus as now :)

That, for me, would be great if it could be incorporated into the game :), Im sure it wouldnt be too hard either :)
posted on January 7th, 2009, 10:28 pm
sounds like a good idea :thumbsup:
posted on January 7th, 2009, 10:45 pm
i have to agree
posted on January 7th, 2009, 11:47 pm
this isnt about the dominian, but i think the feds should have a big hitter, i think either the soverign should be moved up, or the tavara moved up not cost starts, and have the sovy move up toin streth, i think they just need to have some more powerful, that way the defiant has its purpose , as a mid high attack ship, and you could even bring in the galaxy to fill all of that out with the excelsior
posted on January 8th, 2009, 1:28 am
I think the V-15 is fine as it is, even a little overpowered perhaps. In a team game you can pump out 3 of them before the enemy has any chance of defending against them. That said, I don't think it needs any serious changing.

The AI also doesn't build them, which is disappointing.

Also, I agree with the above poster. The Klingons, and to a lesser extent, the feds (the feds have the descent at least) have no "late game bomb" so to speak. The roms have the tavara, the borg have the cube, and the dominion has their dread.

The feds have the descent, which is nice, but it is far less useful later on than the other ships since it can't be upgraded and you can't have more than 2 at any given time. (But the romulans can have FIVE tavaras!)

The klingons, have no way of spending their credits. I have another thread where I've suggested implementing the D'tai class as a klingon "credit ship".. but no response.
posted on January 8th, 2009, 5:02 am
yeah the feds have the phalanx, but its not that good, and can be only used with one of the avatars, and costs credits, i think the sovy should be much stronger
posted on January 8th, 2009, 6:22 am
The Sovereign is fine statistically, the Federation just does not currently have a super dreadnought in service as far as I know, I guess a non-canon one could be implemented =]
posted on January 8th, 2009, 6:31 am
but the sov should be a bit more powerful, i mean come on, it took out a borg sphereeasily, and a borg cube with help, hey! i just got an idea that goes with my flagship idea, if you had the enterprise e as a flagship it could give a special ability to it, or to the fleet it is to do extra damage to the borg, since locuts aka picard knows all about the borg which gives him an advantage, wouldnt that be cool, anyway i just think that the soverign should be more powerful, like in the 50s
posted on January 8th, 2009, 8:14 am
sounds like a good idea


this isnt about the dominian, but i think the feds should have a big hitter, i think either the soverign should be moved up, or the tavara moved up not cost starts, and have the sovy move up toin streth, i think they just need to have some more powerful, that way the defiant has its purpose , as a mid high attack ship, and you could even bring in the galaxy to fill all of that out with the excelsior

Just make a thread about it and we'll talk about it there  :thumbsup: But for the record I agree about the Sovie.

I think the V-15 is fine as it is, even a little overpowered perhaps. In a team game you can pump out 3 of them before the enemy has any chance of defending against them. That said, I don't think it needs any serious changing.

I fail to see how its overpowered, since you have to capture your enemies con ship b4 you can build it and even then its supply cost is huge (around 150 I believe :-S) No way you'll build 3 of them so quickly your enemy wont be able to defend against it (even if you have an ally).

Guys discussing the feds please see my reply to ray320
posted on January 8th, 2009, 8:17 am
i would say, the fed ships in general are fine, but i like the heroship idea
posted on January 8th, 2009, 9:02 am
Rhaz wrote:The Sovereign is fine statistically, the Federation just does not currently have a super dreadnought in service as far as I know, I guess a non-canon one could be implemented =]

you can use the technology of ST Voyager End Game...or a very strong Prometheus to adapt a "Super Dreaghnought" that is canon..
posted on January 8th, 2009, 9:08 am
-=B!G=-The Black Baron wrote:I fail to see how its overpowered, since you have to capture your enemies con ship b4 you can build it and even then its supply cost is huge (around 150 I believe :-S) No way you'll build 3 of them so quickly your enemy wont be able to defend against it (even if you have an ally).

I said it was overpowered in TEAM games, where you gain access to mixed tech for your allies from the game start.

In fact, I think that whole concept is a little overpowered. I built a fleet of defiants in under 10 mins as the feds one day due to having romulans as my ally. (build resource stuff, skip shipyard, build mixed tech yard and research, then build a ton of defiants right away).

But as a late game ship, the V-15 is fine. It's just too easy to get them in a team game with allies.
posted on January 8th, 2009, 9:31 am
Quote from: -=B!G=-The Black Baron on Today at 09:14:14 AM
I fail to see how its overpowered, since you have to capture your enemies con ship b4 you can build it and even then its supply cost is huge (around 150 I believe :-S) No way you'll build 3 of them so quickly your enemy wont be able to defend against it (even if you have an ally).

I said it was overpowered in TEAM games, where you gain access to mixed tech for your allies from the game start.

In fact, I think that whole concept is a little overpowered. I built a fleet of defiants in under 10 mins as the feds one day due to having romulans as my ally. (build resource stuff, skip shipyard, build mixed tech yard and research, then build a ton of defiants right away).

But as a late game ship, the V-15 is fine. It's just too easy to get them in a team game with allies.

Well IDK about Defiants but if you want to do what your saying you have to skip everything else and focus only on this. First of all you have to wait a long time untill that research finshes and then u have to waita very long time so your able to build the ship. Not to mention the high costs of the vessle. I dont know about you, but if one was to do only that against me Id eat him alive using just smaller and medium ships. There is no way you can fend off a group of destroyers, even with a dreadnought.
You also have to consider the very slow speed of the ship, you can basically take shots at his mining and he wont be able to get there in time and even if he does you can escape in time and strike again. I still maintain that there is no way its too overpowered, even for early games. You also have to consider that the Federation can get their Descent even faster and its free ;)
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posted on January 9th, 2009, 11:37 am
hm ... a galaxy dreadnough would be cool .. but i think thhe ship should be realy horrible expensive ... just because it did nevah realy exist  :lol:
posted on January 9th, 2009, 3:22 pm
Frankly, I think it makes sense that the Feds and Klings wouldn't have a "super dreadnought" type ship... The Federation isn't in the buisness of the building dreadnoughts for philisohpical reasons (the Prometheus being a possible exception) and the Klingons are generally known to favour smaller ships in larger numbers...
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